May 17th, 2006 at 09:14 pm
Since this is the amount in interest that the cc company refunded me (over the payment that I disputed, which had been missapplied), I figured I'd add that to my $20 challenge...and, just think, it has already been applied towards the CC!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 17th, 2006 at 04:36 am
last Sunday, as I wanted to use my car and didn't have cash, instead of waiting until Monday (I don't use debit cards) I whipped out the credit card and put the $35.87 on it...when they brought me the voucher, I noticed they were giving me a credit card and ID that was not mine (I didn't really look at the voucher), so I refused it and sent it back...they then brought my cc, voucher (which I read before signing) and ID...turns out now there are TWO charges on my cc for that gas station on that date...one for $35.87 and one for $30.07!....needless to say, I'm already disputing the charge!....
On the bright side, they did reimburse me for interest on that payment I disputed! ($10.58)
Posted in
May 15th, 2006 at 06:39 pm
LOL! I was in a panick today, thinking that it's already the 15th and I hadn't processed the payments for the domestic employees at the (expat) houses...and hurrying to get them ready for signature/submittance today, so that at least they'd be paid on Friday, when I noticed...the forms I was updating said from May 1st through 15th....so I was like: hmmmmm....I called accounting and they told me the cheques are ready!! (which means I submitted them either last Monday or the one before last, in preparation to the crazy week of training logistics, and I didn't even remember!!)...I amaze myself sometimes!!
Of course, the fact that I didn't remember gives you a clue as to how "spaced out" and disorganized I can be, too!
Posted in
the job front
May 13th, 2006 at 01:49 am
they had the wonderful idea of bringing the training groups here for their final presentation, and throwing a cocktail for them (here at the office, too!)...guess who's in charge of logistics for THAT??...so, I'm still at the office, waiting for the thing to at least START...in the meantime, I also have about 600 fresh feedback forms to process....and 35 final feedback forms...plus this year they've added a "peer feedback form", so that is 210 more feedback forms...plus the VP's feedback on the presentations...
guess who's in charge of THAT!! ((sigh)) ...and they claim slavery no longer exist!
Posted in
the job front
May 12th, 2006 at 04:01 pm
..I installed the windshield wipers...obviously, I'm not as good at it as I thought...one of them flipped over and I had to stop them or I was going to scratch the windshield!...luckily, it was just drizzling at the time and we were near my boss' house, and were able to get there before the storm started!...we stayed there for about 1 hour and, then the rain was gentle enough for us (ALe and I) to get home...I re-installed them this morning...hope I did a better job this time!
Posted in
May 11th, 2006 at 11:58 pm
Ale made me a big flowr pot for mother's day...now I have to find a plant for it...Ale wants flowers...I agree...it is a very nice pot, they painted it white and then painted butterflies all around...complete with glitter wings!
Posted in
May 11th, 2006 at 09:56 pm
I checked Sertracen's website (about 1,000 times) today...finally:
Su trámite ha finalizado, Puede retirar la tarjeta o la documentación que ha solicitado. No olvide traer su tarjeta anterior si no fuese matrícula.
woo-hoo! I can go get them tomorrow (it's 3pm, and they close at 4pm!)
Posted in
May 11th, 2006 at 09:37 pm
To be honest, I feel I haven't done this because then I will discover that A LOT of my $$$ is going down the drain for stupid things..
Soooo....yesterday I created another excel file...has several worksheets: car, school, supermarket, others...
for every worksheet, I have these colums:
date, concept,type (initial, annual, recurrent, unbudgeted, etc) amount, cash, other form of payment (ideally should only be gift certificates!!)....the first thing on my "others" today??...lunch, $2.50 (didn't pack!)
Posted in
May 10th, 2006 at 09:26 pm
On Monday, while filling the tank, the guy at the gas station cleaned my windshield and, one of the wipers nearly fell off!!....soooo, today I went to Siman (local dept store) to check how many "diamonds" (= reward points) I had and, I had 750 (500=$5 gift certificate), so I took the $5 and bought the wipers ($2.75) and an air freshener ($2.00)...the lady at the register mentioned that I would be "wasting" $0.25 and asked if I wanted to add something else (believe me, there is NOTHING at that store that is $0.25!!) and I said NO, thank you!...so, I "wasted" $0.25, but I didn't spend $0.01 out of my pocket!! ..I'll "install" the air freshener this afternoon when I leave work and, the new wipers tonight! (rainy season is starting, I cannot afford to delay this!)
Posted in
May 10th, 2006 at 06:59 pm
...the doctor says the probability of the swelling being a tumor, based on the MRI's, is of about 1%...he has sent my sis to have some blood tests and schedule another MRI for end of July/start of August...says the only medicine he'd prescribe right now would be a couple of beers to help her calm down after that big scare!
Posted in
Hope in trying times,
May 10th, 2006 at 06:33 pm
My cousin went with her and, she just called....right now the Doctor is checking my sister, but, my cousin was present at the pre-check interview they had and, he said the swelling might be caused by live cysticercos...he also mentioned that the Doc my sis saw yesterday is famous for scaring his patients....He did mention the possibility of a spinal tap, but will wait until he has checked my sis/the MRI's before making a decision on whether to order one or not...
Turns out THIS Doctor is the father of a boy that used to be one of my nephew's best friends (before nephew started doing drugs)...believe me, in a small country like this one, IT DOES MATTER!...
Will update as soon as they get out of the Dr's office!
Posted in
May 10th, 2006 at 05:29 pm
cut a copy of the key: $3
Posted in
May 10th, 2006 at 04:12 pm
sis went to the neurologist today, for what we thought would be her last visit with the neurologist for the neurocysticercosis...the one that she usually goes to is out of the country for a month, so they referred her to another one...he said there seems to be swelling on her brain, and he thinks it might be a tumor...he also said he doesn't think she had cysticercosis ...he wants to do a spinal tap...and give her some medicine and, depending on the progress, he said he might have to do a biopsy! This is her BRAIN we're talking about!!...
I made an appointment for her to see a private neurologist today...I mean, she HAS been in control with the other one (who, incidentally, is the chief neurologist at the SSI), and he never said anything even remotely similar...
Plus, sis says this one only looked at the first and last MRI's....he didn't look at the other ones...
Her appointment is at 10:30am...it is 9:05 right now, so we have to wait to see what THIS doctor will say...
...but, whatever treatment she needs, we really cannot afford to do privately, it has to be done at the SSI...and that IS a scary thought (their doctors have a tendency to go on strike every 6 months...there are the horror stories on the newspaper about the guy that had the wrong kidney removed because they put the Xray wrong on the viewer, so they thought they had to take out the left one, when it was the right one that was sick!... or the woman who had to have a hysterectomy because she delivered her baby by c-section and they left a sponge in, which caused a major infection...)
((sigh)) Please send prayers, healing vibes and positive energy our way!...it has been a long year....(they discovered the neurocysticercosis last May!)
Posted in
May 9th, 2006 at 09:34 pm
Posted in
May 9th, 2006 at 09:26 pm
Again, since I have to be more careful, I want to know what I'm REALLY spending on Ale's school (notice how I am staying away from the grocery bill, where I might have REAL opportunity for cost cutting??...don't worry, I've noticed, too!)
2006-2007 school period
enrollment fee: $330
(paid $100 on21/apr/06)
books: $160
(based on last year's brochure, not listed for this year)
uniforms: $??
monthly tuition: $137 ($1,507/year)
total, without uniforms, SHOULD be $1,997.00
Posted in
Hope in trying times,
Ale's school
May 9th, 2006 at 04:48 pm
in an effort to make people go to the supermarket everyday, a local chain is having 2X1 days...yesterday was shampoo and conditioner (I had just bought a bottle of shampoo on sale last week, and I have a HUGE bottle of conditioner that I bought at a flea market, so I didn't need any)...today it's insecticides (sp?), so I bought "plaquitas" (plug ins to keep mosquitos away) and some roach/mosquito spray...(rainy season is here....there WILL be plenty of mosquitos and, Ale has already had dengue...we cannot afford for her to get bitten again!)... I'm proud of myself, I ONLY bought the insecticides and nothing more!! and, yesterday, I went with my cousin, but I didn't buy anything!
Posted in
May 9th, 2006 at 05:11 am
I got Ale into the car for our first official ride as owners of the Trollmobile and, it didn't start!!...You can't imagine the feeling...it was soooo awful!...What am I, jinxed??...so, I called the guy that sold it to me, but got his voicemail..and then, wrrrrooooommmm, it started, so we went to the gas station to fill the tank ($35)...
My sister's friend called me back about 10 minutes ago, and asked what happened...2 minutes later her husband called and asked me all about it...and then he says: Did you remember to press the clutch? ..huh?? ...turns out, you're supposed to press the clutch while turning the key in the ignition or the car won't start! (my old car didn't work like that, neither does any of the other cars I generally drive!!!...I swear he didn't tell me!!)...and, then, the guy says: You scared me, I almost had a heart attack!...and I said: I scared you??...we had to laugh!...so, everything is OK now...I'm driving to work tomorrow!! woo-hoo!!!
Posted in
May 8th, 2006 at 10:25 pm
Woo-hoo! I called the police this morning and they said the reports for 28/april had been sent in late on Saturday...so, I went during my lunch hour (took 34 minutes!) to submit the documents...I have my invoice proving that I have paid for my license plates and registration card...so, now I can drive and, in 3 days, I can check on line to see if the license plates are ready!
Car-related expense - $9/taxies
License plates and registration card: $99.44 (although, technically, this is part of the price of the car,and was already budgeted as such, so I will not count it as "additional")
This would be me, except: the car is NOT a convertible, it's green, not red and, I'm not a blonde! ha,ha,ha,ha!
So, my first drive will be to the gast station ((gasp)) to fill up the tank ((faint)), so that I can start seeing how much I really will be spending!
Now I'm free of the inconvenience of rides (and back into the inconveniences of having a car, like: finding a parking space- eek! this car is way more difficult to handle then my old one...I have to get used to the new size!)
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 8th, 2006 at 06:11 pm
Just checked the status on line:
El estado de su declaración número 111020358644 presentada el 08/03/2006 es:
ABONO ENVIADO : La devolucion ha sido enviada al banco para que sea depositada a la cuenta solicitada en la declaracion, el banco esta pendiente de confirmarnos si se efectuo el deposito, puede pasar a verificar su deposito
I then checked my bank account, but the money hasn't "landed" yet...but, it should be deposited today!!! wooo-hoo! ...this goes to my $20 challenge! ($282.55)
Edited to add: the money is already showing in my bank account!! woo-hoo!!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 8th, 2006 at 04:06 pm
I found some chinese spring rolls that are almost like the ones my mom used to make (my sis' favorite dish!)...so I bought them for her as a Mother's day present...they were $4.50, but she loved them, so it was worth it!
Posted in
May 7th, 2006 at 07:55 pm
As I mentioned the other day, I'm going to have to be more careful with money from now on...so, I thought I's list down any car-related expenses, so I can keep track...
My first entry is going to be: $12 for transfering the car to my name...
Tomorrow, I need to have copies of the keys cut, too...don't know how much that is going to cost (I think it's $5, but not 100% sure)
This will also help me keep track of preventive maintenance needs...
Posted in
May 6th, 2006 at 05:56 pm
We transferred the car to my name and everything, and, it should have been a matter of 10 minutes, just to deliver the documents to SERTRACEN (company that handles vehicle registrations for the Vice-Ministry of Transportation)...the guy went over the documentation and forms and declared them OK, but, when he went to input the number for the "experticia" (check by the police to establish that the car isn't stolen), it turned out the police haven't submitted their report yet! (this is done electronically)...the guy at SERTRACEN mentioned that there has been a delay with all experticias performed just before the long weekend (May 1st), and gave me the telephone number of the Police so that I can start calling them to see when the experticia will be sent...So, I have to add that to my To Do list for the week: call 3x a day until they feel that they'd rather send the report than have to listen to me!
In the meantime, I cannot drive the car! (well, I CAN, but it wouldn't be legal to do so, so I won't...)...so, I guess my fate is to be carless for 3 whole months(6/feb-6/may)... I hope to be able to submit the documents no later than Wednesday, and then get my new license plates on Saturday next week (once the documents are submited, you get a temporary permit to use the car!)
I feel very disappointed!...I thought I was going to be able to go to the supermarket on my own tomorrow!
Posted in
May 6th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
1. New bed for Ale... Pending, not urgent yet
2. New bike for Ale...Has dropped even lower in priority
3. new(er) car strike off the list!
4. Ale's birthday party!! - She wants to have it at the Children's Museum...Events are suspended indefinetely at the Museum, as they are still trying to decide how they are going to revamp them...no info on prices or anything, so I have no way to make a comparison...
5. Renewal of my car registration card....Included with expenses for "new" car
Posted in
May 5th, 2006 at 06:42 pm
Honoring my agreement with Ale, I cut my hair yesterday...
We took a picture together, both of us with short hair (mine is shoulder length, in layers)...will post as soon as we have them developed!
Posted in
May 5th, 2006 at 06:39 pm
The new status of my income tax return is:
El estado de su declaración número 111020358644 presentada el 08/03/2006 es:
PROCESO : La devolucion esta en proceso de autorizacion de fondos
It should be deposited in my account by next week! woo-hoo!! Aval Card, here I come!
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
May 4th, 2006 at 06:17 pm
Well...according to my (very) preliminary numbers, the difference in living expenses from April 06 to August 06 should be about $67....I can "make" that difference by twitching the payments...I hope....it will take longer to get out of debt, but...
Posted in
Hope in trying times,
May 4th, 2006 at 05:06 am
was taken on the 21st...but, THEY CAN'T FIND IT!!!...she has her appointment to see the doctor tomorrow so he can see it, and the SSI has LOST her MRI!!!!...She'll make one last phone call tomorrow to see if they have found it... if not, she has to cancel and re-schedule the appointment...which will probably be set for mid-June...if she's lucky!!
Posted in
May 4th, 2006 at 05:02 am
Things are definetely looking better...My sister is in full recovery from the neurocysticercosis (sp?) and we are only pending the results from her last MRI (THAT deserves a separate entry!)...and, eventhough money is still my major source of worry, my situation is veeeery different than what it was last year...I got the cc issue under control, am not getting any creditor calls, and, despite the additional expenses from the new car loan, I think I can handle things so that I don't default on anything...I'm still overworked...still love my job...but, right now I don't feel like I hate my co-workers...none of them!...not even the annoying ones! LOL!...
((contented sigh)) I definetely don't hate my life (the way I did last year!)
Oh, and the "frugality" thing, while still a challenge, is not as hard anymore!
Thanks to all for your continued support!!
Posted in
the job front
May 4th, 2006 at 04:49 am
They called at the gate and were told there IS a prize: a farm full of ducks and potatos (patos y patatas), but only for visitor # 1,000,000!!!
(be patient, she only reads one page per night!)
Posted in
May 3rd, 2006 at 07:09 pm
This month, I will receive the last $250 from the sale of the farm...so, as of June 1st, 2006, I will have to make do without...I have managed to bring the cc's down to where I THINK I'll be able to handle at least minimum payments every month...I'm going to have to be a lot more careful... what might throw me off-balance is the combination of new loan for the car (paying about $30 more now than for the previous one, which I finished paying last month, and the new gas prices/new car fuel consumption (previous prices/car meant $36 a month...that's soooo NOT going to be the new quota!...gas prices were just below $3 then...they are about $3.49 now...and this car has a bigger engine!- las one was an 800cc)...AND Ale's school expenses (luckily, to start in August, so I will have some time to adjust to the two first ones!)...a variation of $60/mont...
so...let's say the new car spends about 30% more gas, and factor in the new prices...I could be spending about $60 - $70 in gas + $30 additional for the loan + $60 additional for Ale's school....this is $150-$160 MORE a month...ouch! ...not counting car insurance....hmmmmm...
Oops!...can you spot the mistake?? $70-$36 = $34...so $34 + $30 + $60, total ADDITIONAL per month ~$124, not $150!...
I have to work this number into my current estimated budget....(well, the $60 additional for Ale's school were already factored into my "adjusted" budget for August '06...)
Back to the excel file!!
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