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Archive for January, 2009

still swamped!

January 26th, 2009 at 02:23 pm

well, those 2 extra translation jobs left me with a lot of catching up to do in my "regular" translations...I'm still behind with 2...
will post once I'm not racing against the clock anymore! (which SHOULD be next week!)

A kidney is NOT the same as a liver...

January 14th, 2009 at 10:41 pm

Yet, in my exhaustion, I translated kidney (riƱon) as higado (liver)...
At least, that was the only SUBSTANTIAL mistake in a 34-page translation!

Business is booming! yay!

January 14th, 2009 at 03:06 pm

I got another BIG translation job... $135 pages...I cannot do it, but it's from my oldest/most faithful customer... so I'll do part of it and subcontract the rest!...I'll make no money on the subcontracted part, but I WILL on "my" part, plus, I keep my customer happy! YAY!... March will be a great month, financially (as I will get paid late Feb/early March for all this!)

Ale is back in business!

January 12th, 2009 at 05:51 pm

I am teaching her how to far, I've taught her to do chains...
she figured a small chain would look good as a bracelet, so she started making them in many colors... she figured a longer chain would make a necklace...
she made a bunch, put them in a basket and went out to sell them around the neighborhood...she made $0.60 (so far)...Now, she's figured if you take 3 strands of different-colored yarn, you get a much thicker bracelet in a funky pattern...
next weekend I'll teach her a new stitch, and see what happens!!

Reality check!

January 9th, 2009 at 10:56 pm

WOW... I paid my (share of the) rent today, and realized one thing:

If it weren't for the translations, I'd barely get by on my own salary....

Having said that... I also should be taking better care of where my translation money is going...

Why?...well, my monthly expeses are ~$1, salary is $1,077...that is, of course, if I stay on budget with groceries and utilities (I tend to go over with groceries) AND, if I stopped paying Nanny every 15 days out of my salary, and paying her 1 "quincena" when I get paid and the other one just let her wait until sis actually gives me her share of the money (which would mean up to 10 days wait for Nanny!! -- can you imagine??)

Also, looked at it THAT way, I'm not doing as much as I should with the translation money...not as much is going towards debt as it should...

Hmmmm... I guess I found Goal #1 for 2009!
looking at it on the bright least now I'm NOT at -$200 on paper!!!- even with just my salary! YAY!

Emerging to breathe...

January 2nd, 2009 at 10:40 pm

264 slides/ 11681 words translated....
311 slides/ 19256 words to go!!!

I think I can, I think I can...