Home > I'm even more efficient than I thought!

I'm even more efficient than I thought!

May 15th, 2006 at 05:39 pm

LOL! I was in a panick today, thinking that it's already the 15th and I hadn't processed the payments for the domestic employees at the (expat) houses...and hurrying to get them ready for signature/submittance today, so that at least they'd be paid on Friday, when I noticed...the forms I was updating said from May 1st through I was like: hmmmmm....I called accounting and they told me the cheques are ready!! (which means I submitted them either last Monday or the one before last, in preparation to the crazy week of training logistics, and I didn't even remember!!)...I amaze myself sometimes!!

Of course, the fact that I didn't remember gives you a clue as to how "spaced out" and disorganized I can be, too!

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