June 30th, 2009 at 11:59 pm
Ale announced over the phone...
So, how do you plan to pay for it? I said.
I don´t think that was the answer she expected.
I just paid my taxes and my translation cheque is late, so, I have the amazing amount of $5 available.
And, no, I don´t think she should be asking for credit (either from the little store two houses down or from the people at the Martial Arts Academy where she is attending summer school).
So.... I guess I´ll have to wait until I get home to see if she´s come up with a plan!
Posted in
June 18th, 2009 at 02:38 am
so here's ONE picture....
This one would look soooo cool in one of those "fake" magazine covers, don't you think?
Anyway... for the time being, it's my new favorite! ROCK ON!
Posted in
June 17th, 2009 at 07:01 pm
...delegation is a wonderful thing!
I asked the nanny to chop everything I needed for the chicken spread... I instructed on her how to cook it and then showed her how to puree it in the blender... ta-da! the chicken spread was ready...
This morning... asked niece to make the sandwiches... ta-da! I gained about 2 hours of time to work on translations!!!
This afternoon is "lost" to work, though, since, really, there is NO WAY I´m going to miss Ale´s Bday party!!!
by the way, here´s the guitar I made her for her rock star costume...isn't it cute??

I´ll post pictures of the bday party over the weekend (don´t think I´d be able to log on again until then!!)
Posted in
June 12th, 2009 at 09:27 pm
They just gave me the "go ahead" to translate the other 9 documents for that huge company!!! YAY!!!....
...now... how do I clone myself?? ;P
Posted in
June 5th, 2009 at 06:20 pm
woo-hoo... the company I told you about, the BIIIIG company that wanted some translations? They sent me a (very) small job yesterday... I promised them I'd work on it and sent it after 7pm, as I would not have internet access before then (ture)...sooooo... today, they sent me a 9 page document!!! still a small job, but, that means they liked the first one and are willing to "try" my services!... They also have 10 other documents (about 50-70 pages in total)...sooooo.... I think I've got them!!! This would be my "foot in the door" with them... so to speak... WOO-HOO-HOO! (plus, its HR stuff, one of my "favorite subjects"!...legal and technical tend to be very difficult for me...)
::happy dance::
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