Home > The car wouldn't start!!

The car wouldn't start!!

May 9th, 2006 at 04:11 am

I got Ale into the car for our first official ride as owners of the Trollmobile and, it didn't start!!...You can't imagine the was soooo awful!...What am I, jinxed??, I called the guy that sold it to me, but got his voicemail..and then, wrrrrooooommmm, it started, so we went to the gas station to fill the tank ($35)...
My sister's friend called me back about 10 minutes ago, and asked what happened...2 minutes later her husband called and asked me all about it...and then he says: Did you remember to press the clutch? ..huh?? ...turns out, you're supposed to press the clutch while turning the key in the ignition or the car won't start! (my old car didn't work like that, neither does any of the other cars I generally drive!!!...I swear he didn't tell me!!)...and, then, the guy says: You scared me, I almost had a heart attack!...and I said: I scared you??...we had to laugh!, everything is OK now...I'm driving to work tomorrow!! woo-hoo!!!

1 Responses to “The car wouldn't start!!”

  1. robex Says:

    Glad everything is okay! Congratulations on your new car.

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