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Archive for August, 2005
August 31st, 2005 at 05:55 pm
This weekend is flea market Sunday...I'll prepare sandwiches and hot-dogs again... I think I can find all the accessories for DD's baby car seat....don't know if I'll keep that money or if she'll ask to keep it, seeing it was her seat!...there are also a couple of boxes of stuff that belonged to my parents... We already went through it, some stuff was my sis', some mine, some was broken and we threw it away....and there are 3 boxes of things that we are willing to sell...that money will have to be split with my sister, though...
DD has 2 bags full of toys she wants to sell...
I have to prepare things on Saturday, so we can go early on Sunday.....
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$20 Challenge,
August 30th, 2005 at 09:22 pm
Why a super-smiley face? The money is gone, and so is a substantial chunk of my debt! ..yippee!!! I could dance!!...that doesn't mean I'm in good financial condition, but, things are better....I already paid/cancelled 1 credit card. I get my letter stating it's closed on the 15th. I already paid - but still have to make the cancellation official - another cc - the one with the highest interest rate/larges balance!! yiiii-peeee -yay!!! I could dance, like Snoopy on top of his little house!!....I made large payments on the others and now everything is up-to-date!! no more late-payment fees!!...woo-hooo!!
I used part of the $$ to buy/pay for a couple of things that we needed: 1 pair of shoes for DD, 1 pair of shoes for myself, 1 white blouse and 1 black blouse for me - for work, my white is torn and my black is shiny - I also fixed the lock on my car's door...
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August 30th, 2005 at 05:56 pm
Well, I'm still looking into opportunities for extra income...today, I answered an ad in the paper offering positions for freelance English teachers...it said you could apply for M-F to teach from 6-7pm, so I did...the only thing is, it said Native English Speakers, but, I'm hoping they overlook that, given my level of English proficiency and, also, given that I DO have experience teaching English...will see what happens....
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Hope in trying times,
$20 Challenge,
August 29th, 2005 at 11:07 pm
Well, I've been working on my excel file to see what is the fastest that I can be debt free - without consolidating loans, because right now my credit score is just awful! The soonest is March 2008...not bad, but, not too good, either...however, this is a plan that I can actually live with - I'll have to find an alternate source of income, and I need about $250 extra a month, but, still, it's much better than the ~$750 that I'm using right now!!...true, I know there are many factors that I haven't taken into account - like inflation rate or the probability that the school I choose for Ale will raise their monthly fees - but, at least it's a plan and a plan means something to shoot for... Another thing is that I have kept my Xmas bonus and vacation bonus at the same rate as it is today, and I know those increase every year, according to seniority (also, thinking about things if I stay here, with the same salary...)...so, I guess that evens out the math a bit... The important thing is, I feel I can do this now, I don't feel overwhelmed anymore...Hopefully, that old feeling won't be back!
Thanks to all for your cheers and for sharing my happiness with me!
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Hope in trying times,
August 25th, 2005 at 03:26 pm
Yesterday, I called one of the cc companies that I hadn't paid in the longest time...As far as I knew, when I stopped paying I owed them ~$700, so I figured that if we added the interest, it was going to be about $1,200...I was mentally prepared for this....so, I called and asked the rep that answered to give me my balance...she told me it had been a long time since my last payment (didn't specify dates) and asked me if I wanted to pay in full or just make a partial payment...I told her I needed to know how much I owed them before deciding that...she checked her records and told me I owed the company $672.96....I'm like: what? are you sure? I thought I owed you $700...so, she said she would check to see if any fees would be added, and if she could call me back in 15 min...she did, and said there WOULD be additional costs, bringing my total to $678.99....
Isn't that great??? It's about 60% of what I had budgeted!!...which means I have ~$500 to apply towards ANOTHER cc!!!....I believe in miracles!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord!
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August 23rd, 2005 at 09:57 pm
We signed....I saw the cheque! I held it in my hands!! I signed it so we could deposit it...(it's from another bank! )...it should clear by Friday!!! ....I'm already doing my numbers and, if everything goes right, I will go around town on Saturday afternoon, bringing accounts up to date, and even cancelling 1 credit card! (the one with the highest interest rate!!)...
Of course, by Monday, I'll be "poor" again, but, just think....I won't owe ~$16K anymore!! ("only" about ~$11K!)
I'll be able to breathe that much more easily!!
Tonight, we'll open a bottle of wine at home!!
Tomorrow, I'm back to work figuring out how to make some more $$$ to pay off those debts!!
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Hope in trying times,
August 23rd, 2005 at 04:06 pm
before they hatch...since we are supposed to sign the apt sale today at 10:00 am (will it happen?? I'll let you know!)...I took out my excel file and have been looking at the current debt level/APR's/overdue debt/overdrawn accts, etc, to try to calculate how to make the most "damage" - the latest "plan" I had for this money is at least 3 months old!....I think I can bring everything up to date and still pay in full the cc with the highest interest rate!!...yipee-yay!... I have also distributed the farm money for the next 4 months so that the cc's with the highest interest rates...
also, I discovered (or, rather, remembered! - how easy it is to forget when you prefer not to remember!!)that I cannot take into account the farm payment for January (the last one!) because I have been living off my account's authorized overdraft...(OUCH, I know!), so I would have to leave that $$ in there....because my salary does NOT cover the overdraft!! If I don't leave that money there, come March I would not have access to my salary!!....
So, it has been a good exercise...we'll see if this thing actually goes through!!...I'll keep you all posted on that, and also on the progress with debt repayment!! -woo-hoo!!
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Hope in trying times,
August 18th, 2005 at 12:39 am
I can't believe it!! The real estate agent called day before last to say the buyer (yes, the same one from last OCTOBER) had finally received the loan from the bank....Obviously, I was ...but, today he brought me a copy of the bank letter of approval... :O (I need a fainting smiley!)... ex-hubby is not in the country, so we would have to wait until MOnday to sign the papers/get the money, but, still... I'm like
I won't believe it until I have the money in my account...Of course, I will see $0.00 of it, as it will all go towards debts....well, no, I'm lying, I told my (2) friends that I would take them out for sushi if this ever happened, so, let's be honest about it and say I'll probably blow about $50 in celebration...but, still...add this to my parents farm money and to my vacation and Xmas bonus money and, I might actually be able to bring my debts to a level where I'll be able to manage it next year (without the farm money)... ::yipeee::
I'll let you know once this becomes a reality (IF it does!)
Once again, T H A N K Y O U , G O D!!!!
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Hope in trying times,
August 16th, 2005 at 08:38 pm
My income tax return finally came through!...originally, I was going to use it to bring my rent up to date with the landlady...as it turns out, I decided to give her only half of it and put the other half towards cc...plus $30 that I "have" because I got $30 in vouchers for the supermarket, so the cash that I had for the supermarket goes to the cc...slow and steady... I paid $200 to the cc today...a drop in the ocean considering the level of debt, but, a whole river compared to the $45 that I was going to pay originally!!...
I was so desperate last week, I even put my car up for sale...a guy who's a mechanic was interested in buying it for his daughters (must be pulling his hair out right now, because he refused to pay the $800 I was asking for - yes, I was THAT desperate....he wanted to give me only $700 - NO, I was NOT THAT desperate!)...so I said no, and gave him my phone #, in case he re-considered...I didn't even ask for his!...but, upon hearing about the gas prices yesterday, I decided I'm much better off keeping it (I know I can "make" my week with about $10- even at the new prices)...so, today he calls and says he's willing to give me the $800...but, I've re-considered!...guy must be kicking himself!...the thing is, there ARE problems with the car, but, for me it would be about $500 to fix it, for him, it would be about $200 to fix it, as he only pays for spare parts, and gets them at a discount!... Lessons learned: #1 consider all options, lesson #2: don't let opportunity pass you by! lol!
The real estate agent we had been working with called...claims the buyer finally got the loan from the bank and wants to finalize the sale...hmmmm...I'm wary...good thing is, ex-hubby is out of town, so we CAN'T sign...and, we have a couple of people who came to see the apartment, that said they'd be giving us an offer this week, so...
For all these things, I want to thank God. I see His hand in all of this...
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August 15th, 2005 at 10:23 pm
Payday is finally here!! ....I get to pay some debts, and, luckily, I have $30 in coupons for the supermarket - which I need to get from the coupon-issuer and, that means I have $30 more to pay to the cc!! woo-hoo!
No news on the apartment, but, I'm hopeful!!
I was thinking about selling my car, but, seeing how gas prices are rising, I don't think that would be such a great idea (I know it sounds silly, but, given the mileage I get, I'm better off keeping it!!...)
We cleaned up the storage room and "found" our Tiffany lamps (authentic)...Dad put them away in 2001 after the earthquakes, he was afraid they might fall and get smashed...I'm researching before selling mine!! - which I have always loved, even as a child but, let's be honest: 1. I need the money and 2. I don't have a dining room grand enough to show it off (it has a fruit motive)...we'll see...
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Hope in trying times
August 12th, 2005 at 08:52 pm
We changed real estate agents...we've had 5 people come and look at the apt since Monday, and one of them will probably give us an offer on Monday and the other one on Thursday... They have looked at several options, so it's not 100% sure they will present an offer, but, still, I consider this progress! 
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August 11th, 2005 at 09:16 pm
I checked Hacienda's website today and my income tax return has been approved and is pending deposit into my account!! woo-hoo!!...it's $249, which will go to my landlady (I still owe her $440, - the $249= $191!!)...I'll be "on time" with her by the end of the year and can start Jan '06 "clean" with her!! woo-hoo!
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Hope in trying times,
August 10th, 2005 at 06:09 pm
I have been working on several ideas to make additional money...I have offered my translation services to my friends (they know I work, so they know that delivery times won't be the same as if I were working on it full time!)...I am knitting baby boots to sell as part of the $20 challenge...
Aside from that, and for money to be put to "regular" use (aka paying debts!), I'm working with my cousin to sell toys and we have also brought all my parents stuff out of storage to see what we are going to keep and what can be sold...(also, some things were broken, so we had to throw them away!)
The bad thing is, my car is heating up -again!...Now, I've decided not to invest $0.01 more in that...(I just spent $350 in May!!)...I'll carry 3 gallons of water around to cool/refill the radiator and that is it!... A frien of my cousin's, who is a mechanic, said some time ago that he might be interested in buying it for his daughters...so they learn how to drive...well, if he buys it, I'll sell it!...
There is an option to buy a used car (more debt, I know! I'm not happy about it!) ...but, honestly, public transport here is NOT an option...way too dangerous!...especially since I often leave the office after dark... 
Well, we'll see what happens!
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$20 Challenge,
August 8th, 2005 at 09:25 pm
OK, so I've been going over my numbers again and, while I WILL be in a tight financial situation, it is not going to be as awful as I thought...Yes, the sale of the apt will only take care of about a1/4 of the total debt, but, the $750 a month for the next 5 months will take care of another big chunk, add to that my Xmas bonus and vacation $$ + my income tax return (if it ever arrives!) and I'll have the debt down to about 1/2 of its present size...now, if you take into account that the current debt is made up of several small (yeah, right!) debts, and that, obviously, some of those will be paid in full with the sale money and the Xmas bonus, well....I think I might just make it...it won't be easy, and it won't be pretty, but, I KNOW I can make it...Now, if I can get myself from panicking, maybe I can keep myself from drowning (financially!)....
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Hope in trying times,
August 8th, 2005 at 06:33 pm
This past week I de-cluttered my home, re-painted my bedroom (my niece had it painted purple, and had added some graffitti!) in a very light sky-blue...it looks cleaner, lighter, and even larger!!...I also identified 34 books that might be put up for sale...and DD identified a lot of toys that SHE wants to sell...also threw away some toys that were just too broken to even consider giving away or selling ... I also took the time to put my accounts in order and, this is where/when the panick set in...I'm barely making payments NOW, and, come February, my parent's money from the sale of the farm will be gone... we are talking about $750/month!! AND, the debt will NOT be gone by then...I desperately need some additional STABLE income (don't get me wrong, I'll take occasional income, too, such as translations, selling toys and school supplies with my cousin, etc, but, I definetely need something stable, too!!) If the apartment ever sells, that will be a great help, but, still, what I'd get wouldn't even cut the debt in half...I'm really, really worried now!! - and, trying to generate ideas as fast as I can, which I guess is good...now, if only I would go a step further and implemented those ideas!! ((sigh))
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Hope in trying times,
August 1st, 2005 at 04:45 pm
this week, I get 4 days off due national holidays...I have planned to take DD to the fair (total cost should be about $10) one day, and, have to take her to see the Fantastic 4 (her "prize" for last week for not sucking her thumbs all week...should be able to do that in the morning, so it should be about $6 for both of us)....Other than that, I have planned to stay home and de-clutter...some clothes will go to charity and, will see if there are any books that I might be willing to part with to take to the next flea market...DD needs to take a good look at her toys and see what SHE wants to take to the flea market... I want to finish painting my room (I have the paint, I need to borrow a ladder!)...and, have planned to do crafts and painting sessions with DD...all with materials we already have at the house...
Oh, and, tomorrow, I have to take a (new) real estate agent to the apt...apparently, she has someone that is just "dying" for an apartment for herself (the apt is ideal for 1 or, even for a couple without children...) Please, include the sale of my apt in your prayers!!
Sis is doing better, but still has to stay at home for 2 more weeks...It is always more expensive when one person stays in all day...(since she can't go out yet, she's either reading, watching TV or eating...and the fan is on 24/7... the heat is unbearable!!...this is so unusual at this time of the year, I'm afraid we'll have another earthquake!)
I'm planning on going home early tonight....perhaps even leave at 5??
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