Home > Scared!


May 10th, 2006 at 03:12 pm

sis went to the neurologist today, for what we thought would be her last visit with the neurologist for the neurocysticercosis...the one that she usually goes to is out of the country for a month, so they referred her to another one...he said there seems to be swelling on her brain, and he thinks it might be a tumor...he also said he doesn't think she had cysticercosis ...he wants to do a spinal tap...and give her some medicine and, depending on the progress, he said he might have to do a biopsy! This is her BRAIN we're talking about!!...

I made an appointment for her to see a private neurologist today...I mean, she HAS been in control with the other one (who, incidentally, is the chief neurologist at the SSI), and he never said anything even remotely similar...

Plus, sis says this one only looked at the first and last MRI's....he didn't look at the other ones...

Her appointment is at is 9:05 right now, so we have to wait to see what THIS doctor will say... Frown

...but, whatever treatment she needs, we really cannot afford to do privately, it has to be done at the SSI...and that IS a scary thought (their doctors have a tendency to go on strike every 6 months...there are the horror stories on the newspaper about the guy that had the wrong kidney removed because they put the Xray wrong on the viewer, so they thought they had to take out the left one, when it was the right one that was sick!... or the woman who had to have a hysterectomy because she delivered her baby by c-section and they left a sponge in, which caused a major infection...)

((sigh)) Please send prayers, healing vibes and positive energy our way! has been a long year....(they discovered the neurocysticercosis last May!)

3 Responses to “Scared!”

  1. veronak Says:

    I am sorry to hear thay but get a seond opinion

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Prayers are with you!

  3. carol Says:

    (hugs) sending you my best wishes.

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