$12 more- translation
March 29th, 2006 at 09:43 pm1 small translation- 1 page
need to add $12 for my March total...just noting it down so I don't forget!
Archive for March, 2006$12 more- translationMarch 29th, 2006 at 09:43 pm1 small translation- 1 page "MY" car is here!!March 29th, 2006 at 04:45 pmat least, the car I want to buy is here...now, all I need is $2700! ...the car will be ready for delivery next week...the guy has promised he won't sell it until I've seen it and decided whether I want it or not!...woo-hoo!!! LOL! I thought the site was blocked!!March 29th, 2006 at 04:32 pmsomeone left a comment asking for my resume...I commented this to my boss and, I thought he had somehow asked IT to block my access!! ha,ha,ha,ha! $25 late payment fee reverted!!March 23rd, 2006 at 05:03 amI was looking at my cc account on line and found a $25 late payment fee...I did NOT pay late!...soooooo, I look for my voucher, find it, it's safely tucked away with the cc, check the date and...oooops! ....I took the wrong plastic with me when I went to pay!...so the payment was applied to a different cc....soooooo, I ran to the cc company at noon and, explained the problem to a customer service rep who proceeded to transfer the payment to the right cc...and I asked if there was any chance of reverting the late payment fee...and she said YES!!!...and she did!!!...woo-hooo!...I feel $25 richer!! Translations - unpaid ones!March 21st, 2006 at 05:07 pmWow...they just sent me a presentation to translate for upcoming trainings...we do them in English and all our trainings are in English, but, if we want to reach all levels in the organization, we need to translate the materials so that HR can give the trainings to the whole company....this is 1 out of 3(trainings) that need to be translated...This presentation alone is 89 slides!!!....and it has like 8 handouts!! ((faint)) I HAVE to quit the English lessonsMarch 21st, 2006 at 04:03 am...as soon as it is humanly possible..not only am I exhausted by Wednesday, but Ale is having trouble at school and I cannot really help her...I mean, I tried today, but, the poor kid was falling asleep on her notebook! (I arrived at 8:45 and, I had her practicing dictations and spelling until 9:15, which is a bit past her bedtime!)...plus, I feel like a drill sargent, Mom is not fun anymore!...she has a "graded dictation" on Wednesday... Food just got MORE expensive!March 19th, 2006 at 04:04 pm...don't try to tell me it didn't...I bought the usual stuff at the supermarket, and spent $67 (okay, I had a few items, totalling about $12 that are not weekly purchases, but, still...-hair dye, a flea collar and a shampoo for Fiona)...I paid almost $55 for what would have been $40 two months ago!! It makes me so mad,because all my efforts in other areas are rendered null by the supermarket bill! school work on Sunday -ugh!March 19th, 2006 at 04:00 pmbecause Ale is not doing well in her dictations and, because the teacher at her school knows that I donīt have a lot of money for private lessons,she sent me her notebook so I can try to work with her at home...obviously, the only days when we can really do this are Saturday and sunday...so, right now, Ale is working on the words that she got wrong on her dictation....less than yesterday, so it's progress...but, honest, I somdays feel that Ale is going to think that having me at home is worse than not having me, she hates it when she doesn't do it right, and starts crying, which in turn makes me mad...so, we are not the best of company to each other when we are frustrated!!...((sigh)) why was I invited to this meeting??March 17th, 2006 at 04:57 amtoday at work I was invited to a meeting. Since I cannot tell you what it was about, suffice it to say that it was a working meeting -not a general one- and not for the training team... Disappointment or Anger??March 15th, 2006 at 03:46 pmI don't know which one prevails in me right now!...I just called the bank and, my loan application was denied...they say I'm reported with DICOM (the local agency that tracks your payment records)...since I got a loan in November, I'm sure my credit was "clean" back then...and, all my accounts are current now...except for the telephone line in my name that I installed at my cousin's...the one from which her son called Canada every day....totalling $975!! - which she can't pay!!...so, I guess the phone company has reported me (obviously, it's in my name!) and that's why I cannot get a loan for my car!!...honest, right now, if he were here, I'd kill him!...as soon as that line is paid off, I'm cancelling it!...I feel sorry for my cousin, because I know she NEEDS that line for her business, but...there is no way I'm going to let her kid ruin MY credit ...If I had the money, I'd pay it off today and cancel the thing! (I know she hoped that once she had paid it off I would just cancel international calls and let her keep the line, but, that's NOT going to happen!) The land of temptation!!!March 15th, 2006 at 03:31 amSeveral places are lands of tempation for me: bookstores and shoestores are at the top of that list!!...I HAD to go buy some shoes today (I really really need a pair of nice brown shoes and I really really need a pair of nice black shoes to wear with my dresses...)...I found the perfect pair of black shoes...but, they didn't have them in my size...and, I found beautiful tan shoes...so I bought them...problem is, now I feel deprived...I saw soooo many beautiful shoes....(back when I was at the university, my sister used to call me Imelda Marcos...I cannot believe I only own about 6 pairs of shoes now!!- and, yes, I NEED them all!...one pair brown boots, one pair black loafers, one pair tan pumps, one pair tennis shoes, one pair black sandals, one pair brown sandals) ...flip flops and slippers are "home" shoes and don't count! Ale's eyes are perfect!March 15th, 2006 at 03:12 amForgot to "report" on this...her eyes are perfect 20/20 and 20/30 actually...she'll have to take additional classes in the afternoon until she catches up! ....((sigh)) today has been crazy!March 14th, 2006 at 11:21 pmI've been working like crazy and I still didn't finish even half of what I needed to do...the good thing is, I finished with the most important things, at least!...tomorrow I get another chance to catch up with work! LOL!...have to find something that I can do in 10 minutes before leaving for the school...hmmmmm Who's the new Mayor??March 13th, 2006 at 03:09 pmWe still don't know and, unlike previous elections, this time the percentages are REALLY close!...so we really won't know until all votes are counted (well, they have been counted by the individual voting tables, but the numbers have to be consolidated!) ...either way, it's a victory for ARENA...San Salvador has been headed by the FMLN for the past 9 years and, traditionally, the difference has been abysmal... Voting places were really crowded!March 13th, 2006 at 01:25 amseems like everyone decided to wait until after lunch!...there were no parking spaces, either...I had to park almost 5 blocks away!...but, if bullets couldn't stop us in the 80's, 5 blocks, crowds and traffic jams are certainly NOT going to stop us now! Elections!March 12th, 2006 at 06:18 pmI already bathed the dog...Ale is having her bath, then I'm next and, after lunch, off we go to vote!!...it's National Assembly Representatives and Mayors this year.... good weekend!March 12th, 2006 at 02:57 amSince my class was cancelled -and since I didn't have a car today- I didn't take Ale to her Scouts meeting... $20 challenge updateMarch 11th, 2006 at 03:42 amHave spoken to H regarding the job he wants (to put all his 100+ presentation cards into Outlook contacts for him), says he'll pay me $10/hour...should I cry? If I translate my regular pay/regular hours,it's almost double!... More productive than I thought!March 9th, 2006 at 08:24 pmI got the package - turned out to be an envelope!, and left the documents at the Ministry. I called a school ref info for enrollment and have a meeting with the principal tomorrow (HAVE to look into this!)- I called the Ministry of Education ref teaching accreditation, definetely a no-go unless you have your diploma...hmmmm... found the website for the university I attended...turns out now you can do a lot of stuff on line...for other things, though, you have to go there!...they also don't list the courses on line, so I'd have to go there and get a list of the courses required to graduate nowadays (the plan is probably different, if it isn't, all I need to do is make my social hours - translations, maybe? and I'm set!)...if the plan is different, it might require going back for a course or two...or taking a test! ...depending on what the courses are, this would be a good option... this will be a productive day!!March 9th, 2006 at 03:24 pmI have a car (my sis is out of the country and I can use her car today and tomorrow, yay!), so I'll go drop off some documents for one of our trainers, pick up some mail that has arrived for one of our PM's, drop off a letter for one of the directors (yes, I also run errands on occasion!...but, if I leave these things with General Services, it takes about a week...I can do them in just one day!)...I've finally finished inputting all the data from the feedback forms from our training, so all I have to do now is the pivot table and update the presentation, so that can be ready for Friday (I promised it for next MOnday, so...I'll do that this afternoon) eye doctor appointment for Ale!March 8th, 2006 at 09:32 pmI just knew something was "off" (mothers DO have that instinct!)...I've been meaning to talk to the teacher, but, because of the car thing and the English lessons and whatnot, I haven't been able to do it...and today, the nanny at the school asked me to wait, as the teacher wanted to speak to me... translations paid!March 8th, 2006 at 08:09 pmthey $157 for the last translations have already been deposited into my account (-$17 for taxes), so I have to add $140 to my challenge money for March! Interview yesterdayMarch 8th, 2006 at 04:04 pmI went to the interview yesterday...I feel it went ok...as stated before, maybe the things I had against me were: my divorce, the fact that DD's father is not involved in her life (it came up), the fact that I'm not actively involved in the Catholic church (it came up, too, although, at least I mentioned Ale is going to weekly meetings!)...we'll see. I think the interviewer liked me (she kept looking at me while asking me the church things as if pleading: PLEASE say you're active!)... Berlitz called!March 7th, 2006 at 07:00 pmWe can scratch them off the list!...they don't offer work by the hour, only full time or part time...part time being from 2-9 on weekdays and 8-2 on Saturdays...not convenient! sent in an application for another school!March 7th, 2006 at 06:28 pmI just filled out an on-line job application for another school...continuing with my "evil scheme" of getting myself hired and asking for a discount in tuition...lol!... a year ago tomorrow...March 7th, 2006 at 04:36 amMom passed away....I can't believe it's been a year.... Sent out 2 more resumes!March 6th, 2006 at 09:19 pmsent out 2 more resumes: 1 to Berlitz and one for another call center...figure these would be ideal "additional" jobs to supplement my income, either here or at the school if I get the job...Depending on what they pay...the current language school is paying me $5.75/hour...if any of these offer the same hours @ a better rate... I have nothing to lose, and a lot to gain! right?? today I feel appreciated...and why it makes me mad!March 6th, 2006 at 04:09 pmAccording to our agreement, I told my boss (the director) about the job interview today...he said: oh, if you leave school at 3, then perhaps you could come here from 4 to 6, or 7, and continue to work part time with us...so, that means they really value my job....which makes me even madder to think that, if I'm so good, they still haven't found a way to give me a raise! ...and my boss (the VP) is out sick...in the hospital, actually! ((sigh))...there goes my chance of finding out this week! I'm thinking of cancelling the medical insurance...March 6th, 2006 at 03:45 amhonest, the coverage is so bad, that I really don't have the money to use the insurance...I'm better off going to the community clinic...for serious things there's the Bloom Children's Hospital...that's where you end up anyway if things are REALLY serious (they have great doctor and the best machines, so if things are really bad, even private doctors and hospitals send you there, so...) interview changed for TuesdayMarch 4th, 2006 at 08:59 pmThe person who is going to interview me is not available on Monday at 4pm, so they rescheduled it for Tuesday...