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Interview yesterday

March 8th, 2006 at 04:04 pm

I went to the interview yesterday...I feel it went stated before, maybe the things I had against me were: my divorce, the fact that DD's father is not involved in her life (it came up), the fact that I'm not actively involved in the Catholic church (it came up, too, although, at least I mentioned Ale is going to weekly meetings!)...we'll see. I think the interviewer liked me (she kept looking at me while asking me the church things as if pleading: PLEASE say you're active!)...
The things that might weigh in my favor are: I have this wonderful (true!) teaching story about helping a child realize he wasn't "stupid" as everyone said he was, and about being able to stand for himself against a group of teasers after that! (it IS my proudest moment as a teacher!), also the fact that I'm concerned about DD's education and want to spend more time with her...and the fact that, at least we are TRYING to be closer to the church...she said they'd let me know in a couple of days whether I need to come in for tests and more's really in God's hands now!

3 Responses to “Interview yesterday”

  1. katwoman Says:

    My goodness! Can't even imagine having to be under such a microscope for a job. I DO hope you will get it, though.

  2. kashi Says:

    Wow, they aren't allowed to ask those questions here! I can't even imagine! Good luck to you in finding a new, wonderful, high-paying job, miclason.

  3. miclason Says:

    LOL! the law here allows potential employers to request medical exams (yes, even pregnancy tests!) before making you an offer!!...they can also ask you to bring in your police records (or, rather, a letter stating that you have no criminal record!)...there was a change to the law a short while ago, though, and now they can NOT request an HIV test!

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