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$25 late payment fee reverted!!

March 23rd, 2006 at 05:03 am

I was looking at my cc account on line and found a $25 late payment fee...I did NOT pay late!...soooooo, I look for my voucher, find it, it's safely tucked away with the cc, check the date and...oooops! ....I took the wrong plastic with me when I went to pay! the payment was applied to a different cc....soooooo, I ran to the cc company at noon and, explained the problem to a customer service rep who proceeded to transfer the payment to the right cc...and I asked if there was any chance of reverting the late payment fee...and she said YES!!!...and she did!!!...woo-hooo!...I feel $25 richer!!

1 Responses to “$25 late payment fee reverted!!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    It pays to ask....A similar situation happened to my mom (I manage her bills for her) and the wrong account got paid...when I called and explained, they had no problem reversing the fee.

    Also, I was one day late with a $19 payment on a card that we use all the time...I completely overlooked it...#35 I called them and the rep looked at my payment history and said, no problem, I will get that reversed today (which he did).

    Good for you for feeling $25 richer today...that is always a day maker! It just never hurts to ask.

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