Home > payday!!!


August 15th, 2005 at 10:23 pm

Payday is finally here!! ....I get to pay some debts, and, luckily, I have $30 in coupons for the supermarket - which I need to get from the coupon-issuer and, that means I have $30 more to pay to the cc!! woo-hoo!

No news on the apartment, but, I'm hopeful!!

I was thinking about selling my car, but, seeing how gas prices are rising, I don't think that would be such a great idea (I know it sounds silly, but, given the mileage I get, I'm better off keeping it!!...)

We cleaned up the storage room and "found" our Tiffany lamps (authentic)...Dad put them away in 2001 after the earthquakes, he was afraid they might fall and get smashed...I'm researching before selling mine!! - which I have always loved, even as a child but, let's be honest: 1. I need the money and 2. I don't have a dining room grand enough to show it off (it has a fruit motive)...we'll see...

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