Home > the apartment $$ is almost gone now!

the apartment $$ is almost gone now!

August 30th, 2005 at 09:22 pm

Why a super-smiley face? The money is gone, and so is a substantial chunk of my debt! ..yippee!!! I could dance!!...that doesn't mean I'm in good financial condition, but, things are better....I already paid/cancelled 1 credit card. I get my letter stating it's closed on the 15th. I already paid - but still have to make the cancellation official - another cc - the one with the highest interest rate/larges balance!! yiiii-peeee -yay!!! I could dance, like Snoopy on top of his little house!!....I made large payments on the others and now everything is up-to-date!! no more late-payment fees!!...woo-hooo!!
I used part of the $$ to buy/pay for a couple of things that we needed: 1 pair of shoes for DD, 1 pair of shoes for myself, 1 white blouse and 1 black blouse for me - for work, my white is torn and my black is shiny - I also fixed the lock on my car's door...

1 Responses to “the apartment $$ is almost gone now!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Congratulations on your big success! That's what makes this site so inspiring...

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