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I believe in miracles!!

August 25th, 2005 at 03:26 pm

Yesterday, I called one of the cc companies that I hadn't paid in the longest time...As far as I knew, when I stopped paying I owed them ~$700, so I figured that if we added the interest, it was going to be about $1,200...I was mentally prepared for, I called and asked the rep that answered to give me my balance...she told me it had been a long time since my last payment (didn't specify dates) and asked me if I wanted to pay in full or just make a partial payment...I told her I needed to know how much I owed them before deciding that...she checked her records and told me I owed the company $672.96....I'm like: what? are you sure? I thought I owed you $, she said she would check to see if any fees would be added, and if she could call me back in 15 min...she did, and said there WOULD be additional costs, bringing my total to $678.99....
Isn't that great??? It's about 60% of what I had budgeted!!...which means I have ~$500 to apply towards ANOTHER cc!!!....I believe in miracles!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord!

1 Responses to “I believe in miracles!!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Congrats! I hope things keep going your way. It is like finding a $20 dollar bill in your jecket weeks or months after you put it away!

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