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Had to fight temptation today...

October 29th, 2006 at 03:16 am

I got a migraine while Ale was at her swim lesson (the heat did it!) and, was all for buying lunch today, just so I wouldn't have to think too much, but, migraine and all I made it home and just put some leftovers in the microwave for Ale and myself...yay, me!
(believe me, the way I was feeling, it IS a great victory!)

Full tank!

October 27th, 2006 at 09:12 pm

...yesterday, when I gave my keys to one of the managers so he could take my car home (I took theirs, so I could leave straight from home at 6:30 am this morning for the police inspection!), my car had a bit less than 1/4 at lunch, when I moved my car out of the manager's spot, it had a full tank!, my car doesn't do that (fill up magically, that is!)so, that means the manager filled the tank yesterday!...that was really nice of him! (especially since his house is about half-way from our office to my house, so it's not like his taking it would have meant higher consumption!)...

woo-hoo!...that should last about 15 days (or, 8, if you take into account our planned "Termos del Rio" excursion with Ale!)...hmmmm, should I put $20 (about what it would have taken to fill the tank) into my $20 challenge??

$300 for cc's

October 27th, 2006 at 05:31 pm

this doesn't go in the $20 challenge because this is a REIMBURSEMENT of expenses for the toy venture (this is coming out of the 50% advance payment, with this we buy the toys and reimburse expenses, the complementary 50% comprises money to finish paying our suppliers for the toys and to distribute between us -- THAT will go into the $20 challenge!)...

$80 for the $20 challenge in october

October 22nd, 2006 at 04:21 am

I write it down here so I don't forget to add it to my spreadsheet on Monday!...$80...did not go towards debt, went to groceries, fixing Ale's schoolbag and paying for swim lessons... Frown

Business plan presentation

October 20th, 2006 at 11:29 pm

Well, I'm almost done with the purely aesthetic side of it (colors, backgrounds, font types and font sizes, color scheme for graphs, etc...)And, as for the truly important part (content!), yesterday I printed out a handout with 2 slides per page and used that as a "blueprint" to see where in my Word/Excel documents I could find the information I needed...also what information is missing or needs to be re-worked to fit the requirements of the presentation...
Today I finished some very minor word slides (3)and created 1 data slide...but, when I finished I realized it was totally I will delete it tomorrow and create a new one...
I will try to finish at least 3 more word slides tonight at home (at the office I can use the special add-on to PowerPoint to make impressive data slides without much effort! :P -- provided you know just WHAT you want to highlight, of course! slide was BLAH!) ...since it's a licensed product, I don't have this at home, only at the office, and I wouldn't feel it was appropriate to install it, even for a short period of time! (not that it would do any good if I tried to install it, the computer at home doesn't comply with the requirements for installation anyway!)
soooo, another task for tonight would be to look at the Excel and at the data required by the presentation template they sent to figure out what data I need to create a chart that highlights just that!

Add $100 to the $20 challenge for October

October 17th, 2006 at 07:56 pm

I just got paid $100 for some admin services (from July!)...I'm still owed $500 more for July, plus Aug and Sept!...slowly but steadily collecting this money!...right now, it goes into the bank account (to pay the overdraft!)...

I know, I shouldn't even be using it, but, just think, a year ago I was using the overdraft AND paying up to 47% interest on cc's! year, by this time, I shouldn't even be using the overdraft anymore (I have 2 more debts that will be eliminated in August 2007, and the total monthly payments for those is $104...)

$54 for the $20 challenge

October 13th, 2006 at 10:39 pm

forgot to add this, I finally got paid for my translations, so that's $54 for my October challenge...yay!

$100 more for the $20 challenge of October

October 13th, 2006 at 07:01 pm

This time, it DID go to Ale's school...together with $47 more I had in my account...

Next crisis, please!

Oh, yeah, I have to pay $165 towards debt and $157.50 for late the $157.50 of this month's rent...

The money for toys should start coming in by the end of next week...

In the meantime...I'm off to juggle numbers and see what I can do with what I've got!

$100 for the $20 challenge for October!

October 6th, 2006 at 10:03 pm

Got paid another $100! woo-hoo!...
sadly, this will not go towards debt, but rather into Ale's school...foolish spending + unexpected expenses (going to the all-inclusive place + changing the lock to our main entrance!) really took a toll! ...oh, well, the "old me" would have charged it! (or, even worse, taken a cash advance from the cc to pay for the school! )

061005- $20 update

October 5th, 2006 at 10:57 pm

Total for September
Challenge statistics:
to discount from challenge this month:

Earned in September: $450.00

net for January: $12.15
net for February: $318.40
net for March:$380.00
net for April: $222.00
net for May:$336.86
Net for June: $32.50
Net for July: $210.00
Net for August: $835
Net for September: $430.00
Total ytd for 2006 (net):$2,776.95

TARGET: $4,000

$1,223.05/ 3 months to go!

Payment requests submitted!

October 2nd, 2006 at 10:03 pm

WOO-HOO! For the first time since they established the new system (payment requests can ONLY be submitted on Mondays, from 1pm to 5pm), I submitted my requests before 5!!!....woo-hoo!

First purchase order for Toys -2006!!

September 30th, 2006 at 12:58 am

Woo-hoo! we have our first order for toys this year!!'s for 78 toys...our profit should be ~$350 (each) ...

I could put this toward my $20 challenge, but that would be cheating in a way...because this is something we do every year....(it IS, however, going towards debt!)

The cocktail went well!

September 29th, 2006 at 02:25 am

...there were enough leftovers that we know no-one went hungry...but few enough that there really was no waste! (4 mushrooms, 2 pieces of chicken pate sandwiches and about 5 cherry tomato & mozzarella sticks)...1/8 bottle of whisky, 6 diet cokes, 6 sprites, 8 regular cokes, 6 mineral waters, 1 bottle of red wine and 2 of white wine (all the liquor got put away for the next event/party, so there's no waste!)...everyone liked the food that I chose (someone said: it was the perfect choice and well-balanced), I'm happy about this now...

It might have been the cocktail!

September 28th, 2006 at 10:48 pm

I really hadn't even thought about this until this morning, but, now that we are actively working on it and things are actually falling into place, the anxiety level seems to be going down....
gotta go see the rental people, who just arrive with the plates and glasses!

$50 more!

September 26th, 2006 at 11:28 pm

unfortunately, it'll take $60 to pay for the new lock installed in our house (weird stuff has been going on!)

$100 more for September

September 14th, 2006 at 08:48 pm

much-needed money coming in! $100 more for my $20 challenge...

Have separated $20 for our long weekend and, the rest has to go towards debt!

Made my first payment for boss #2 for the 5% loan...yay!

Some day, I'll REALLY be debt-free!

Contest update - meeting the counselor

September 14th, 2006 at 12:00 am

well, today we finally got to meet our counselors!...the good news is, since this was delayed for almost 2 weeks, all other dates get "shifted" accordingly, too!...which means I need to submit my preliminary plan by Oct 1st, as opposed to Sept 19th (yay! that means I get to work on it during the week of 23-28, when my "kids" are away at training!!)

I liked my counselor, so that is another plus!

$200 for September

September 13th, 2006 at 06:51 pm

$100 collected on 060909
$100 collected on 060912

This goes to my $20 challenge for Sept.

Ale and her $2/week

September 13th, 2006 at 04:16 pm

Well, last week she had the pizza lunch ($2, so no snacks all week!) and, this week, she bought a beef stew lunch (says she ate her lunch but was still hungry... ??? MY Ale, still hungry???...this is a miracle!)...

We also had a talk about healthy snacks vs what is available at school, and she promised she'll try to opt for the juices, fruits and cookies instead of cheese puffs and candy....she prefers juice to soda anyway (I must have done something right!)

But, today she complained that she hasn't put any money in her piggy bank, I told her that's because she has been spending the full $2 instead of saving!...

Princess Perky would be proud of me!

September 5th, 2006 at 03:26 pm

I baked cookies with Ale yesterday...or, I should say I helped Ale bake cookies yesterday...she read the ingredient list and I had her measure them, and we spoke about 1/4 cups and 1/8 teaspoons and so on...she also read the recipe "instructions" once and then I was reading them to her step by step so she could follow it!...Obviously, I put the cookies in the oven and then took them out, but, for the most part, she made them!!...the result: yummy banana cookies (sans raisins: we don't keep any at the house!) which she proudly took to school today!

060831 - $20 challenge update

September 1st, 2006 at 04:09 pm

Total for August
Challenge statistics:
to discount from challenge this month:

Earned in July: $835.00

net for January: $12.15
net for February: $318.40
net for March:$380.00
net for April: $222.00
net for May:$336.86
Net for June: $32.50
Net for July: $210.00
Net for August: $835
Total ytd for 2006 (net):$2,346.95

TARGET: $4,000

$1,653.15/ 4 months to go!

$200 more for my $20 challenge!

August 31st, 2006 at 05:51 pm

collected another $200 for services! yay!...this one goes with August!!

$250 more for services

August 24th, 2006 at 05:48 pm

another $250 collected to be added to my $20 challenge for August....
pending $1,450....

Learning lots, working hard, sleeping little

August 22nd, 2006 at 07:20 am

that's my basic update!...
gotta go to bed and get some zzzzzzzzzzzzz
(it's 12:19 at night!)

'll catch up once the workshop is over!

Have you missed me??

August 19th, 2006 at 05:55 am

I've missed YOU!...I've been MIA at the workshop...have had to do a lot of work...but, it's definetely worth it!...I love it!!...right now I'm doing my (self-imposed) homework, which is a very simple flyer for my translations...Tomorrow I have to gather up the courage to ask for permission to post it at bulletin boards in several places...

Oh, it finished printing!...gotta go!
(I still have to work on an email!)

I probably won't be on "full time" until Monday 28th or thereabouts!...(but, I'll lurk as much as I can! LOL!)

add $120!

August 14th, 2006 at 09:17 pm

$120 more paid for services - delayed be added to my $20 challenge for August...

$80 more

August 14th, 2006 at 03:34 pm

paid for services...
to be added to the $20-challenge
(August will be a good month!)...
I'll keep pressing to get all my money this month!

Ale gets to save $0.30 this week!

August 11th, 2006 at 02:59 pm

LOL! she forgot her money today!...for about 2 seconds I considered loaning her the $0.30 from my money, but, then I decided that wouldn't be right. If she fortgets her money at home, she has to make do won't kill her (she has a lunch box and enough food, anyway) and, next time, I bet she will remember! -- I already told her the $0.30 will go to her piggy bank this afternoon!

No Technokids fee!

August 10th, 2006 at 09:22 pm

I asked the receptionist at work whether I could pay the Technokids fee for the whole year ($54 total) and, she told me that this year, eventhough they are going to have the sessions, this year the price has already been included in the monthly fees! YAY!!... another $54 saved!!

Ale's school

August 10th, 2006 at 03:22 pm

today was Ale's first day of school...I dropped her off half an hour early (LOL!, we weren't sure how long it was going to take to get to the school at that time!)...she was nervous, but seemed positive about the whole thing...
her cousin Clau "ironed" her hair flat yesterday night (Ale's hair is curly!) and helped her choose her First Day of School Clothes (they are allowed to wear "normal" clothes today and tomorrow, they have to wear their uniforms as of Monday)...I gave her $1 (since this week only has 2 school days, it seemed logical not to give her $2)...

Oh, and, I spoke to the lady with the transport service yesterday night, she likes to receive her money between the 1st and the 3rd of the month, so, I only have to pay for 15 days on Monday and, pay for Sept at the beginning of the month...Also, she found another little girl with the same route, so instead of $40, she'll charge me $30...that's a "savings" of $10 a month!!

I'll let you know what she thought of her first day!

************ UPDATE
she enjoyed it and, I met her Spanish teacher (they have a Spanish and an English teacher, I had met the English teacher when she went for testing)...she told me Ale is extraordinarily well adjusted, has already made friends (all the while we were talking, Ale was hugging her, so I guess they like each other already!)...the kids were asked to draw a picture of their family... Ale is just as tall as the rest of us in the picture, so I imagine that means her self-esteem is good...

On more mundane issues, she spent $0.70 on a brownie and an apple juice (good choice of beverage!) she's got $0.30 left for tomorrow! ...I'm happy, she didn't lose the money!!

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