Home > Ale gets to save $0.30 this week!

Ale gets to save $0.30 this week!

August 11th, 2006 at 01:59 pm

LOL! she forgot her money today!...for about 2 seconds I considered loaning her the $0.30 from my money, but, then I decided that wouldn't be right. If she fortgets her money at home, she has to make do won't kill her (she has a lunch box and enough food, anyway) and, next time, I bet she will remember! -- I already told her the $0.30 will go to her piggy bank this afternoon!

1 Responses to “Ale gets to save $0.30 this week!”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I think that's a good lesson in money management. It's a good idea that all unused money gets saved, even if she would have used it if she had had it.

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