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In the red!

June 14th, 2006 at 07:19 pm

Ouch! the trip certainly took its toll!...I'm over budget in enterntainment and Others...and it's just mid-June!...I guess that means I have to do a lot of damage control in the next 17 days! (not too easy, with Ale's b-day on the 26th!)... Frown

If I add up all the categories that made up the Others last month, I'm $22 below what I spent for May, but, still... Frown

Oh, well, it's not like we have monthly off-sites!

secret admirer??

June 14th, 2006 at 12:06 am

LOL! yesterday at around 11:00pm I got a text message in my cell that said "Hope you have a good night, but dreaming of me" (in Spanish)...from a number not in my, I called the number and got a woman's voice...I was half asleep and she sounded half asleep,, I thought I recognized the voice and, after a while of asking Is this X? Y is that You? somebody said: Marisabel?? and I said Yes...and she said: this is R---, I thought it was the landlady for one of the houses we rent for our expats...and thought she (or her teenage son) just misdialed when sending the text message....

Now, this morning, I was commenting on this with the other admin and, at first, she said: maybe it was a new guy, whom I REALLY like!...and I said, no, it was X's landlady....but, then, this morning, I remembered that his housekeeper is also named R--- .... could it be?? ...

This all could be resolved just by calling the housekeeper and asking, but....I don't know, in a silly way, I'd rather not ask and wait and see what happens...

After all, the idea of a secret admirer is SOOOO very romantic and, romance is something that has been lacking in my life for so long now...

School related expenses - 060613

June 13th, 2006 at 11:29 pm

Things I got during the trip to Vegas (Ross' Dress for Less!):
shoes (2 pairs)- 1 black school shoes and 1 white tennis shoes...found white Skechers at $11.99 + tax (12.95) and black Stride Rites at $12.99 + tax ($14.03), so I spent $26.98 -- woohoo!! (original prices were $36 and $42, respectively!!) that leaves $12.16...AND, I found alight sweater - navy, at $10.99 ($11.87 tax included) ....that leaves $0.29 from the money that was given to me...from now on, everything comes out of MY pocket!

Stuff I still need to get:

School supplies (need list, have stuff in stock -leftover from sale last year)

sweat pants for gym class (2) - navy blue... available at many stores, checking prices at the moment

Book bag - need to check if the school has restrictions on these (can they have characters or do they need to be solid colors only?...) Size will depend on school supply list!...we also have some left over from the sale...

Stuff I'd like to get

coin bag - for Ale to bring her allowance to school...might knit THAT one! -- Ale had a wonderful idea...her pink tennis shoes (Converse-look-alikes) had small bags attached to the sides...we took them off because we knew she might lose them, she suggested she might use one of those as a coin purse!!

So...that officially closes the "like to get" list for Ale's school stuff!

Forgot to add that I also bought 3 X 3-packs of socks for Ale at $0.99 + tax ($1.07) each, so $3.21 total...$2.92 coming out of MY, the total I've personally spent is now $103.42

I'm back!

June 13th, 2006 at 11:11 pm

...we came back yesterday, but I'm just now starting to be capable of some coherent thinking!...a mixture of exhaustion, sleep deprivation and dehydration...will blog at length some other day!...for the time being, as a friend so aptly said: Let's just put an end to this ceaseless spending! (I spent about $180 in total, of which about $40 are refundable...$10 were for a calling card...about $15 for non-refundable meals...$83 for clothes for Ale and myself - more for her than for me, but will write separately on this...some souvenirs for my family...the rest is mostly for water and non-alcoholic beverages!)

The trip was fun, and I don't regret going! It was definetely worth it!

woo-hoo! the Museum is available!!

June 7th, 2006 at 05:53 pm

I can have Ale's party at the Children's Museum...they are not really offering the service right now, so they'd rent me the space, but I have to bring the food (which works great for me,as my cousin and I can make things for much less than whatever they'd charge!... our cost is $0.17/piece for sandwiches and $0.25/piece for hot-dogs, for example!)...the children can play in the Museum, so there's no need to hire an entertainer ...I think we can make something quite grand at a reasonable budget!!

Nephew got operated today

June 7th, 2006 at 06:01 am

my nephew, the one that is in rehab, had to have an operation on his nose...apparently, he got his nose broken at some point and didn't even realize it...when he went to live in Delaware the cold weather gave him a sinus got so bad he was having trouble breathing...they had to operate today because his Dad offered to cover it with his wife's insurance but, as of the 10th of June, they are switching companies and they wanted to make sure it was, anyway, to make a long story short and to get to what's important: the operation went very well and he's in his room now...only problem is, he's feeling so well, he's already complaining about the bandages and about the medication, etc...((sigh)) he'll stay 2 -3 weeks at our house for recovery (the re-hab center won't take him until he's fully recovered and can follow the psychological treatment just like everyone else!)...these 3 weeks will be "added" to his total treatment time (it will be as if this were a parenthesis),the total treatment is 22, instead of being out on Dec 07,he'll be out on Jan 08...he's protesting about that, too!...

will pack my migrainge pills, too!

June 6th, 2006 at 09:38 pm

someone said: bring your bathing suit to Vegas...well, they've sent us the weather forecast and, temps range from 97F to 101F...will definetely need my migraine pills! (yep, heat is a is extreme cold!...)..add sleep deprivation and the odds don't look good! (we have to be at the office at 4am on Thursday to leave together to the airport...)ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

Upward reviews- done!

June 6th, 2006 at 08:48 pm

we had to do upwards feedback reviews for the 2 directors and the VP of our area...due by end of day today...(the form was given to us about a week ago) ...I hadn't done them yet, as I wanted to think about some of the questions a bit...sad to say that, in the end, the toughest ones were left blank (which areas do I think they should improve)...I was as honest as I could in the other ones, though...truth is, the top guys give me so little trouble!...and, as bosses go, none of them is particularly annoying or aggravating...and, while they are all demanding, their requests are generally sound and delivered in a nice way...they have also been very understanding both in work-related issues (while I was learning a new set of skills, say...cutting me some slack at the beginning and explaining things when it would have taken less time to do things themselves) and in personal ones (letting me work weird hours to see my mom or my sister at the hospital, to go teach English to increase my income, etc)...
now, if you were going to ask me about the managers, that's another thing...some of them are really bratty, others are whiny...THEY are the ones that drive me nuts!

Ale's school fund - 060606

June 6th, 2006 at 05:38 pm

Ale's school fund stands at $336 right now...estimated by end of July is $466...from here, I have to pay $54 for the Technokids fee (computer training- the $54 is the fee for the year)...$18 accident insurance ...about $25 for the pants/socks/cardigan...(I still have those other $40 for shoes) ...that would leave me with $369...with that I can cover 2 months tuition...add $42 and I can cover 3 months tuition, which would be the end of the year, I'd be able to "save" those 3 months into the School fund for 2007...we'll see how it works out!...I just like to keep these things in mind, and writing them down helps....also, as I go, I can see how my plans change/evolve!

premium gas will go up $0.21!!

June 6th, 2006 at 04:16 pm

It was announced in today's newspapers!!...I filled the car last Thursday, and obviously have been very good at not driving unnecessarily this week, because the needle has barely moved down, but, I'm still going to try to fill it today (unless the stations have already upped the prices!)...

You DO realize how gas at $3.69 totally messes up my budget (well, everyone's), don't you?? aaaarrrghhh! -- I had based my budget with gas at $3.50 max, which seemed kind of reasonable, seing that when I did that, gas was at $3.24!!-- ((sigh))...

At least, since it's cool most mornings and evenings (when I drive to and from work) I'm not using the air conditioning during the week...only on the weekends, and only around noon!

school related expenses -pending list 060605

June 6th, 2006 at 03:30 am

went to Siman (dept store) cardigans (in ANY color), no sweatpants... shoes WAY too expensive (white tennis shoes ON SALE $45.99!!)

Disputing charges on my credit card!

June 6th, 2006 at 12:39 am

I just came back from the bank, I went to dispute the charges ($30.07) on my cc...the account executive had said that this sort of request has to be done in person, not via, today I took the time to do this in between bringing some print jobs to Xerox and picking up another job that was almost ready (it's about a block away...I had to run!)

...they say it takes about a month for this sort of thing to be resolved! ((sigh))

my excel spreadsheet keeps improving!

June 5th, 2006 at 08:01 pm

I have made several changes, added columns and some conditional formatting...I have set a max amount for everything now (the "Others" is still murky and, eventhough I have separated several categories, I still need to work on it...just to make sure Others is still Others and does not include anything necessary...but, at the same time, the objective is to recognize that there are Others, and that these need to be reduced...not just to reallocate them to justify them!)...soooo, the conditional formatting: if I go over the budget, the Total for the month cell turns RED...ouch! (talk about getting a visual!)...If I stay under or right on budget, it stays green!

I'll let you know how I do at the end of the month!

School related expenses -pending list-060604

June 5th, 2006 at 12:54 am

to look at sweat pants, shoes and sweaters/cardigans...I almost had a heart attack!...a pair of sweatpants for $24??...a cardigan for $24??...

At least, it gives me a reference point regarding prices...

I went to Hiper Europa and they don't have either...went to Hiper Paiz and they had some pants... some were $6 and some were $10...but neither looked like they could survive 2 trips in the washing machine without coming apart!!

I found Hush Puppies mary janes at $25 at the Hush Puppies store...I found the same style for $15 at the outlet....(didn't check for sizes, though...I really think my best bet is to wait at least until mid-July to get the shoes...unless I find a REALLY great bargain!...because Ale outgrows her shoes every 6 months!)

Going to Las Vegas!

June 5th, 2006 at 12:48 am

the unit's offsite this year will be in Las Vegas...AND, this year they decided to invite us (admins)...we are leaving on Thursday and coming back on Sunday/Monday...all expenses are paid until Saturday all we have to take care of is meals on the weekend...
We'll see how I do in a "non-controlled" environment!...(my daily routine keeps me away from places of "temptation"! LOL!)

Free lunch (and dinner, too!)

June 5th, 2006 at 12:45 am

On Friday I was invited for lunch, and then, as I was going home, my sis, my daughter and I were invited for dinner! That's lucky! (plus, it allows me to go out without touching my "entertainment budget"!)

School related expenses - pending list-060602

June 2nd, 2006 at 06:31 pm

Things I need to get:

School supplies (need list, have stuff in stock -leftover from sale last year)

shoes (2 pairs)- 1 black school shoes and 1 white tennis shoes...comparison shopping at the moment!

sweat pants for gym class (2) - navy blue... available at many stores, checking prices at the moment

Book bag - need to check if the school has restrictions on these (can they have characters or do they need to be solid colors only...) Size will depend on school supply list!...we also have some left over from the sale...

Stuff I'd like to get

light sweater - navy or white...not very common...keeping my eyes open...the alternative might be to knit it myself...the cold months are still far away enough that I might just finish in time...(might be more expensive than a ready-made one, though!)

coin bag - for Ale to bring her allowance to school...might knit THAT one!

will update this list as I find items, including prices, before making a final decision....

Free Cup-of-Coffee!!

June 2nd, 2006 at 06:13 pm

it's $1.75 for a frozen capuccino...
The Coffee Cup has a promotion of "buy 10, get 1 free!", I don't buy enough to get 1 free...but, today, since some co-workers were having a meeting, they asked me to order it for them and, since they know "I don't serve coffee" (not that I've ever said that, I guess it's just an attitude thing! :P) ...they said they'd let me keep the stamps in exchange!! woo-hoo!!...they ordered 10 cups of coffee, so my next frozen capuccino will REALLY be free!!!

$1.75 to be added to my $20 challenge for this month!

car related expenses - 060601

June 2nd, 2006 at 04:14 pm

$20.57 for 5.91 gallons of gas (price is same as last week $3.48)

Upcoming expenses - revisited 060601

June 2nd, 2006 at 12:59 am

1. New bed for Ale... Pending, not urgent yet

2. New bike for Ale...Has dropped even lower in priority

4. Ale's birthday party!! - She wants to have it at the Children's Museum...Same as last month!...if I don't get an answer by next week, will look into alternatives!! ((Events are suspended indefinetely at the Museum, as they are still trying to decide how they are going to revamp info on prices or anything, so I have no way to make a comparison...))

#3 and #5 were car and car registration card. Car is bought (and being paid off little by little!) and, registration card was issued and is valid through July 2007!!

June 2005 vs June 2006

June 1st, 2006 at 05:56 pm

Well, last year in June I was literally DROWNING in debt!... the apt still hadn't sold and my car was giving me very serious problems (this was the beginning of the end for that car!)...

It's good to see so much progress!

Thanks to all for your support in the process!!

$20 challenge 060601

June 1st, 2006 at 05:44 pm

Received partial payment $15 for translations done in April.

Tracking expenses

June 1st, 2006 at 04:16 pm

OK. Tracking expenses for half of last month has made me realize a couple of things:

1. I DO have entertainment $$'s just not budgeted!...have allotted $25 to this one (last month spent about $40!)...((sigh)) CREA makes things more expensive, as for the weekends we go, there is always something to buy or pay for... Frown

2. I NEED to set up an emergency fund...even if just $3/month, so that I have $$$ to replace little things (like the fan that broke)

3. I need to set up a "wardrobe" fund for Ale (she IS growing and, buying clothes and shoes will continue to be a recurrent expense!...)

4. My lunch money should also be kept separate, although I did stay below budget for this! (my allocated budget for lunches is $4/week...that means I can buy lunch -if necessary- 1x week and, buy my drinks the rest of the days)

5. Most important, I need to track my expenses on a DAILY basis (and not hoard the tickets/bills/invoices until the end of the week and then input the info in my spreadsheet)...this way I can see the real damage I'm making and can correct as I go, instead of resorting to hitting my head against the wall in frustration, which really does nothing to remedy the situation!

OK. New month = new opportunity for improvment!...will make the best that I can!

Double balance!!

June 1st, 2006 at 04:08 pm

there was a special if you bought balance for your prepaid Digicel through electronic media here in ES...I took advantage of it and loaded $5 through I have $10 worth of minutes in my phone! woo-hoo!!!

I'd say June has started off well!

I'll add the $5 of free minutes to my $20 challenge for June!

Good week for gas!

May 31st, 2006 at 08:38 pm

I didn't even use up half the tank this week! HOwever, I'm not fueling today..I'm waiting until tomorrow, so that this goes on June's expenses...(that will make June a 5-week expense period for gas, and keep May at 4 weeks, but I'd rather do this, considering that in April I had to FILL the tank as the car was delivered to me with an empty tank!...also, because I had a lot of "set-up" or initial expenses on the car!)

My coinjar

May 31st, 2006 at 08:30 pm

As you can see, my coinjar (which I keep at the office) is simply an old Coffe-Mate container, stripped from its label...I like it because I can keep it at the office and noone knows I have money in it!'s also non-breakable!

I don't have a coinjar at home, but Ale has two piggy banks (and yes, they ARE pig-shaped!) one is plastic and the other one is made of clay...
LOL!...forgot to post the picture!!

Coin #2 arrived safely in San Salvador!!

May 31st, 2006 at 08:03 pm

I got the coin Jeffrey sent!!...(our postal service IS slow! arrived to the central post office on May 17!, which means it took another 14 days to arrive in Antiguo Cuscatlan...different town, but it takes about 30 minutes to get from downtown San Salvador to the outer limits of Antiguo, so....)

Anyway...I'm thinking I can do 1 of 4 things with the coin...1. give it to a friend here in ES and ask her to forward it along her own network of friends...2. send it to one of my friends in Central America and ask them to send it along...3. send it to a friend across the world (either South Africa or Australia) and ask them to send it along...or 4. send it along to someone from this board!!

Just wanted to give you an update on the trip of this little coin!

Tracking expenses - 060531

May 31st, 2006 at 07:22 pm

Ok, I've been tracking expenses in several categories:

Car (gas, maintenance and others) - $126.37

Ale's (new) school - $100.00

Supermarket - $110.26

Others (source of shame!) - $120.89

This last one has to be split, as this includes regular lunches ($5/week), entertainment,unbudgeted expenses (necessary but not put on budget!) and "nothings"...I have to work on a set budget for entertainment and, cut the "nothings" as much as possible...wish me luck!

$20 challenge update - 060531

May 31st, 2006 at 06:55 pm

Total for May
Challenge statistics:
to discount from challenge this month:
-$3.00 tax on employee day payment

Earned in April: $339.80

net for January: $12.15
net for February: $318.40
net for March:$380.00
net for April: $222.00
net for May:$336.86
Total ytd for 2006 (net):$1,269.35

TARGET: $4,000

$2,730.65/ 7 months to go!

$20.06 more for May $20 challenge

May 31st, 2006 at 06:45 pm

I got a deposit for $20.06 - English lessons...need to update my $20 challenge numbers!

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