Home > Tracking expenses

Tracking expenses

June 1st, 2006 at 03:16 pm

OK. Tracking expenses for half of last month has made me realize a couple of things:

1. I DO have entertainment $$'s just not budgeted!...have allotted $25 to this one (last month spent about $40!)...((sigh)) CREA makes things more expensive, as for the weekends we go, there is always something to buy or pay for... Frown

2. I NEED to set up an emergency fund...even if just $3/month, so that I have $$$ to replace little things (like the fan that broke)

3. I need to set up a "wardrobe" fund for Ale (she IS growing and, buying clothes and shoes will continue to be a recurrent expense!...)

4. My lunch money should also be kept separate, although I did stay below budget for this! (my allocated budget for lunches is $4/week...that means I can buy lunch -if necessary- 1x week and, buy my drinks the rest of the days)

5. Most important, I need to track my expenses on a DAILY basis (and not hoard the tickets/bills/invoices until the end of the week and then input the info in my spreadsheet)...this way I can see the real damage I'm making and can correct as I go, instead of resorting to hitting my head against the wall in frustration, which really does nothing to remedy the situation!

OK. New month = new opportunity for improvment!...will make the best that I can!

2 Responses to “Tracking expenses”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Those are important realizations. Good for you!

  2. kylieb266 Says:

    i also have a clothing fund, along with a car mantenance fund and an emergency fund, which are contributed to every pay cycle (fortnightly)

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