Home > Decluttering!!!


August 8th, 2018 at 04:52 pm

We just had a 4-day weekend due to Patron Saint Festivities in El Salvador. As Ale went on mission with her church group, I took the opportunity to do some major decluttering! (hoping that I am able to maintan the order that I have achieved in my room)... On to the next challenge: the living room!

7 Responses to “Decluttering!!!”

  1. snafu Says:

    What does de-cluttering mean in the culture and life style of El Salvador What items get the most focus? extra retained paper? clothes you no longer wear or need? electronics that are now obsolete? cookware that has become worn out? bed linen or towels that are thin and near to shredding?

  2. miclason Says:

    interesting that you should ask. In my case.... I had lots of old papers (old printouts of stuff I no longer need), books, things that were broken that I never threw away.... In El Salvador in general we tend to recycle a lot. Clothes, for example, you start by giving things away to family and friends, especially for kids clothes. But, if you can't find any takers, you just store them for donations (with so many natural disasters, they always come in handy, and, generally, schools become collection centers in such cases, so it's easy to bring the stuff there). Same goes for shoes, although, we still take shoes to the cobbler for repairs. For old newspapers and glass, there are still people that through neighborhoods shouting> "do you have papers or bottles for sale?"... Old books - there is an organization that organizes a yearly book-drive, they put boxes in malls and other public places to collect books which are then distributed to schools and libraries. Old furniture and appliances, if in good condition, generally get sold to used-furniture stores (even if they pay you little, it's better than paying for someone to take the stuff off your hands) Oh, old furniture often gets reupholstered if it's good quality, too. But, really, mostly, the first thing we do is tell people: I'm getting rid of "X", Are you interested? and, most of the time, we just give it away.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Very interesting to read how you declutter. And glad you could do so!

  4. miclason Says:

    LOL! some other friends were decluttering, too... I got 8 new (to me) blouses!

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