Home > butterflies in my stomach... again!

butterflies in my stomach... again!

January 10th, 2011 at 05:08 pm

... you know the recurrent job offer that I keep getting, to relocate?? the one that I always entrust to God (so He blocks it if its a bad move for me, but so he allows everything to go smoothly if it is the best for me??) ... it came up... AGAIN!...slightly different, because I wouldn't be working with my friend, but with someone I don't know yet... although my friend still works in that same city, so...I just talked to the guy that would be my boss (if God so allows it)... he seems nice. We will meet this evening to chat over coffee and so I can give him my resume (yes, I could have sent it electronically, but I guess the guy wants to actually have a conversation with me before his meeting on WEd where he would put my name (or not) among the candidates... I mean, what if he were to place my name on the list, then met me and didn't like me?? right???...sorry, I'm rambling... I'm just freaking out...but I shouldn't. right? All other times, this has somehow failed through Divine Intervention (I got a good job offer where I had to either accept or reject the job on the spot, whereas I still had 2 more interviews at this place, they called someone else, they fired half the people at the Ministry, etc)... so I'm pretty sure if it's not convenient, it won't happen, but still...

5 Responses to “butterflies in my stomach... again!”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Good Luck !

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Maybe divine intervention lead you down the right path!!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Hope whatever is the best works out!

  4. patientsaver Says:

    I think God would want you to use the intelligence you were blessed with to make the decision that's right for you.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck!

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