Home > handmade gifts

handmade gifts

January 7th, 2010 at 11:27 pm

Revisiting this concept because I gave my boss a gift for his newborn son: 3 pairs of hand-knitted baby booties.

He and his wife loved the booties and, his wife (they met here at the office) wrote to thank me for them and I said I was glad they liked them, to which she answered that they had loved them even more because they were hand-made. (My boss asked and I told him I had knitted them myself).

Sadly, not everyone recognizes how truly special a hand-made gift is. Lots of Ale's friends for example, hold the view that hand-made gifts are somewhat inferior gifts. Of course, they are 9 year olds, but, of course, too, mostly they have picked this attitude from the people around them.

I have tried to make Ale understand and, I think she finally got it. She "found" the baby blanket my mother crocheted for her and, asked if Oma had made it by hand. I told her yes, and she said: Mom, there are 106 squares in this blanket! That must have taken a LOT of time, she must have REALLY loved me!

7 Responses to “handmade gifts”

  1. veronak Says:

    that was a really nice gift, and I am glad your little one understand

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Ahhwwwe, that's so sweet!

    By the way, I made your Mom's "resistant" cookies and we liked them just fine. Interestingly, I liked them even better on day two and three. So they not only resist time and transport, but they improve with it. Smile I could not "resist" them either.

  3. miclason Says:

    The consistency changes, right??

  4. Provi Says:

    Handmade gifts really are special. I really do remember who gave me my handmade gifts much more than who gave me which store bought gifts.

  5. historychick Says:

    Handmade = Heartmade!

  6. frugaltexan Says:

    How sweet. Smile

  7. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Yes, they are a very moist bar cookie, and I like it when they get a little drier. I like brownies drier, too. Mmmm.

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