Home > $971!!!


November 17th, 2009 at 11:10 pm

This is what the repair will cost... that, plus 5 days of cab fare to pick Ale up at school... I'll call the cab company and ask them to give me a special discount (it's quite a normal thing here, actually)... but, still....

Again, God anticipates my needs...there go the $700 from an additional translation at the beginning of the month, for which I'm still awaiting payment.

(hopefully, it'll get paid before Saturday, when the car will be ready, if not, I'll have to charge it then repay it... $300 of course, will be paid in cash from my EF)


6 Responses to “$971!!!”

  1. dmontngrey Says:

    Sorry to hear it was much higher than you hoped! You'll get through this. You're in a much better position these days. Smile

  2. miclason Says:

    Actually, I was working my numbers and, I think I can get enough money from here to Friday to pay for it in cash! -provided I can get permission to leave the office for about 2 hours to go to the bank to get 2 cheques that I havenīt picked up because of their working hours...those were earmarked for debt repayment, additional to the normal payment,and, it will leave me a strapped for cash until next payday... but, at least, I won't have to incurr in any new debt!
    I'll have to rework my Christmas list, too (I had planned to buy my gifts at the Christmas craft fair to be held in my office this week, and, obviously, that will be impossible!...Xmas gifts vs. car....OBVIOUS!)

  3. dmontngrey Says:

    Ooh! That's GREAT news! See? Things can work out. Big Grin

  4. fern Says:

    What was wrong with the car?

  5. miclason Says:

    headgasket? and related items....
    I really donīt speak Spanish, I do know what it is, though!

  6. frugaltexan Says:

    Ugh! Sorry it cost so much. But it's great you'll be able to pay for it in cash.

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