Home > Please pray for El Salvador!!

Please pray for El Salvador!!

November 9th, 2009 at 05:21 am

It seems that international news still hasn´t picked this up:

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Heavy rains have caused a national disaster! Thankfully, the area where I live is ok, we are safe, but, many people have died and, many more have lost absolutely everything! Frown

12 Responses to “Please pray for El Salvador!!”

  1. Analise Says:

    I had no idea it was this bad... 124 people have died according to the article. Please stay safe!

  2. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    So sorry to hear about the Disaster...

  3. homebody Says:

    Found it on the world page of Fox News in English.

    Prayers sent!

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Scary stuff....

  5. miclason Says:

    To give you an idea, we got almost twice as much rain in 6 hours as we usually get IN A YEAR!!

  6. Ima saver Says:

    That is terrible, so sorry!

  7. Debtfreeme Says:

    I have been thinking about you, Ale and your family hoping you are all safe!!

  8. miclason Says:

    Thanks! We are ok. The only inconvenience at my house was that Fiona refused to "go out" under the rain... but, aside from that, the rain didn't bring any problems...Thank God I had the roof repaired a couple of months ago! (it was the tiniest of leaks in a corner of the girls' room, but, I don't think it would have held under all that rain!)

  9. miclason Says:

    La Prensa Grafica put up some pictures of the damages... Frown
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    They also put up some aerial photos

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    And these are from downtown San Salvador:

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  10. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You have been on my mind all day and as sson as I got a break I looked for a post from you to see if you and Ale were ok. I was so relieved to read that you are!!! I hope the weather lets up and that your country recovers QUICKLY. Hugs!

  11. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I'm sorry to hear about this. Glad you and Ale are ok.

  12. miclason Says:

    Thank you, all, we managed to find some things to donate and, I'm thinking about finding a place to volunteer on the weekend (so I can take Ale, too).
    I have a couple of friends that are involved in Active 20-30 and with international organizations, so they could tell me where to go. There is also an "aid center" 2 blocks from my office, so, about 7 blocks from my house...(don't know what the real name is, but it is a place where people bring their donations, then people at the center sort the stuff, package it and send it to the towns/shelters that need it most). I'm sure our church will also coordinate something, so, I really have no excuse not to do it!

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