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October 7th, 2009 at 08:18 pm

Well, Ale "graduated" from just lying in bed watching TV to coloring and crafting, so she must be feeling better (she does look happier, too!) I, on the other hand, spent a terrible night coughing last night, so I went to the doctor today... I got antibiotics and some awful brew that is supposed to make my phlegm go away! (I sure hope so, it tastes bad enough! yuck!) Since I´ve just started with the medication, I really don´t expect to see much progress until tomorrow morning. Oh, and the dr. said I should stay home today and tomorrow. So, I won´t be going to the office until Friday.... but, of course, I AM working! (the office´s 2nd year anniversary party is TODAY, the final approval to hold the party came last Thursday, and we sent out the invites on Friday....which means I have been contacting caterers and such from home!) I do hope everything turns out ok, I´ve done my best, considering the circumstances... I really hope it doesn´t rain tonight, that would REALLY spoil things! (fewer attendees!)... oh, well, THAT is definetely out of my hands!

3 Responses to “update!”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Glad Ale is feeling better, hope you are feeling on the mend soon as well!

    The party is out of your hands now.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Get better soon!

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good to hear Ale is feeling better. Hope you are better soon too!

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