my boss and I were summoned to a special office budget-review exercise.
This was over how we get billed for certain services.
At first, he wanted to know if he REALLY HAD to attend (generally, he asks me to look at the invoice, then tell him if everything is ok so he can sign!)... I just told him if they had sent invites to both of us, that probably meant they DID need him to be there.
At the beginning, they just asked answers to see if we understand the system, then questions to see whether the info they had is accurate according to those parameters.
It must have surprised the people at Finance that, for most of the questions that arose, he would just look at me for an answer (for my grade/level, this would technically not be part of my job description. It would be "above" me, so to speak, to deal with budgets).
It must have made him feel glad that I knew the answers, and that not once did Finance correct me (so, he now knows I do understand the system! He trusts me, but, now he has CONFIRMATION that this trust is not misplaced!)
So, I earned some brownie points today! YAY!
Edited to add that the Finance Manager has a low opinion of me due to a problem we had in the past, so I guess this also helps in that respect, as she saw today that I'm NOT a scatterbrain and that I actually KNOW what I'm doing!
ok, that went well!
July 1st, 2009 at 06:58 pm
July 1st, 2009 at 07:12 pm 1246471931
Yes, very nice to prove that you're not a scatterbrain and show that you know what you're doing!
July 1st, 2009 at 07:32 pm 1246473159