Well, generally it's relatively quiet and peaceful at my office... enough work to keep me from falling asleep, but not enough to stress me out... GENERALLY... this past 2 weeks have been crazy!
I'm taking a break right now, but I have to put together a binder with info, contract an interprter, make logistical arrangementes for a trip (in country), translate 2 presentations and get at least 4 docs signed ... one of which I accidentally tore! (yikes! I glued it and now it looks as if it had been jammed in the automatic feeder of the photocopy machine and then smoothed out!)...I'm getting calls as to what I'm going to do with some (office) money allocated to cair repairs, which hasn't been used... it SHOULD have been used, I HAVE been sending the car to the workshop... but, since that vendor handles maintenance for all cars, they are SO messed up with documentation, I was told 3 different things yesterday: 1. Office owes 2 installments of $700 each, 2. No, office owes 1 bill for 2 cars totalling $25K...oh, no, no, no...3. Office car has never been serviced...
Er... NO, no alternative is valid. Which basically means they have no idea of what they're invoicing!
Told the girl to try to get things straightened out and I'll call her today... (I will!) Otherwise it looks as if I can't manage the $$$! (as in> why did you require that $900 be allocated and then not use it!) AAAAAAAAARGH!
Oh, translations have subsided a bit (thankfully, I could not survive another week of 8-5 then 6-12, weekends included!)
Busy, busy!
February 11th, 2009 at 07:11 pm
February 11th, 2009 at 10:32 pm 1234391521
February 12th, 2009 at 03:15 am 1234408527
February 21st, 2009 at 04:27 am 1235190431