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Business is booming! yay!

January 14th, 2009 at 03:06 pm

I got another BIG translation job... $135 pages...I cannot do it, but it's from my oldest/most faithful customer... so I'll do part of it and subcontract the rest!...I'll make no money on the subcontracted part, but I WILL on "my" part, plus, I keep my customer happy! YAY!... March will be a great month, financially (as I will get paid late Feb/early March for all this!)

3 Responses to “Business is booming! yay!”

  1. mooshocker Says:

    Great for you! God bless you and little one!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good for you! That debt will be paid off in no time with all your translation work. Smile

  3. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Oh so SMART to have a skill in this downturn economic world!

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