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Can I brag? Non- financial!

December 19th, 2008 at 06:35 pm

we got a request for 4 "urgent" programs... and then 1 more, "super urgent"...
2 of them have already been reviewed and are ready to be recorded... I just had to share this two comments!!!

"Fue una buena traduccion - verficamos ciertos terminos que nos tomo tiempo,pero todo está bien."
(it was a good translation. We verified certain terms, which took some time, but everything is fine) -- this was a very complicated translation for me, as it dealt with astronomy... lots and lots of technical terms and names!

the other one dealt with fixing some high voltage power lines...

"Una excelente traduccion - casi nada de cambios solo typos."

An excellent transnation, next to no changes, only typos.

(at the rate I've been translating, I can live with a few typos!...after all, the saying is: Translations- fast, accurate, cheap...pick 2!)

6 Responses to “Can I brag? Non- financial!”

  1. merch Says:

    pick 2 - lol

  2. Amber Says:


  3. Ima saver Says:

    good for you!

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Very good! Maybe you will have further referrals from this work. I bet you will. Smile

  5. Petunia Says:

    I've heard the same saying for IT - it's a triangle and you only get two corners. Good work on your translations! That's awesome!

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    Pick two. Nice.

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