Home > Look! The volcano is gone! ;)

Look! The volcano is gone! ;)

September 1st, 2008 at 01:28 pm

It has been very rainy lately, and it was sooooo cloudy this morning, you could not see the volcano!...I just had to point that out to Ale...
I was translating a program on volcanos in El Salvador....I must say, I didn't quite like it, it made it seem like my country is so barren...LOL! probably is...we are one of the most deforested countries in Latin America... Frown

They showed a waterfall and a piece of forest, but, since they were focusing mostly on the waterfall, it looked "rocky"

Oh, well, it's part of the package for August (programs to be aired in Sept, and $$$ to be paid end of Sept/beginning of Oct)....I'm behind this time. I should have delivered the last script yesterday night, or, at the latest, today, but I still got 3 scripts to go!...

well, that is it for today...I have to take advantage of Labor Day (we are off at the Embassy, naturally, but, Ale is at school, niece is asleep and sis will soon be leaving for work, which means I have the whole morning to try to catch up with translations...but, since you know what they say about all work and no play, I called a friend and we will go to the movies around noon, so we are out just in time to go pick up Ale from school!)

6 Responses to “Look! The volcano is gone! ;)”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    You can see a volcano from where you are? Now there's a window view you don't hear about every day. Big Grin

  2. Analise Says:

    El Salvador is such a beautiful country and its numerous volcanoes create a compelling panorama almost anywhere you go. I remember as a child, about 50 years ago, watching Izalco erupting at night… I will never forget this incredible image. I’m trying to recall the name of the volcano that’s visible from San Salvador, is it Quetzaltepec or Santa Ana?

  3. Amber Says:

    I did not know ES celebrated Labor Day, interesting
    Good luck with the transcripts

  4. miclason Says:

    Analise is right, there are volcanos (almost) everywhere!...the one in San Salvador is Quezaltepec....Santa Ana has the Ilamatepec (the largest one)....San Vicente has Chinchontepec...San Miguel has the Chaparrastique (the one with the most perfect form...most conical)...Sonsonate has the Izalco (the youngest one, only 200 years old!)

    Is anyone surprised that "tepec" means mountain in nahuatl?? LOL!

    I'll try to find some pictures and post them

  5. miclason Says:

    Analise is right, there are volcanos (almost) everywhere!...the one in San Salvador is Quezaltepec....Santa Ana has the Ilamatepec (the largest one)....San Vicente has Chinchontepec...San Miguel has the Chaparrastique (the one with the most perfect form...most conical)...Sonsonate has the Izalco (the youngest one, only 200 years old!)

    Is anyone surprised that "tepec" means mountain in nahuatl?? LOL!

    I'll try to find some pictures and post them

    Oh, Amber, ES celebrates Labor Day on May 1st...but the US Embassy of course observes US Holidays!

  6. Amber Says:

    oh I did not realize you were at the US Embassy

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