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"It's not really binding..."...(??)

August 11th, 2008 at 06:45 pm

LOL! my landlady is crazy, or too naive...or else she thinks I am...
A little over a month ago she brought a new contract to our house (technically, we need an amendment to the old contract we have - "renewable automatically if none of the parties gives written notice to the other of their intention to terminate the contract"- because of the increase in rent.... What's wrong with that?
#1- she brought me a NEW contract, not an ammendment/extension
#2- the contract states I have to pay her 1 month deposit at new rent rate (no, I gave her a month's deposit when we signed the old one. I will gladly pay the difference for the new rent rate if she wants to, but I will NOT give her ANOTHER full month's rent...)
#3- As far as I know, lease contracts include reponsibilities for both lessor and lesee...this ones included MY responsibilities, but very conveniently left out hers!....

I read the contract and called her and told her so. She didn't do anything. Today she went to my house to collect the docs and was upset that they were not signed. I repeated to her what was wrong with it and the reasons I will not sign.
She tells me:
A. "you should have told me before!" (I DID, she just chose to ignore me!)
B. "I have already paid the lawyer for drafting the papers, but I really hadn't read them" (hmmm, that's really not intelligent at all, besides, It's not MY fault! - and, personally, my lawyer would skin me alive if I ever accepted a document from her without reading it!...cannot tell you what she'd do to me if I signed something without reading it, or without actually agreeing to it)
C. "It's not really binding, you know, you've rented the house for so long and we've always had a good relationship, you know we would never really enforce it"...(excuse me, last I checked a SIGNED contract IS binding!)

She took the documents, and was not too happy about it, but I hope she realizes she cannot try to pull this sort of thing on me! ugh!

5 Responses to “"It's not really binding..."...(??)”

  1. JanH Says:

    Good job staying alert on the contract! DS and family just had a problem with the verbal agreement and the written agreement on their lease. Seems what the one person told them didn't actually apply. Not all of it anyway. Right hand and left hand weren't coordinated on this. When they got there to sign the actual contract, they found out that things weren't as they were told. Frustrating, but at least they knew what they were getting into at that point.

  2. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    You ARE a smart cookie!

  3. momsents Says:

    Good for you! Sounds like you are a great tenant!

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    Good job being aware of everything and standing up to the landlord. That last part about "not enforcing" it is hillarious. If she never planned on enforcing it, why would she want it signed at all? Too funny.

  5. greengirl Says:

    yeah, i agree with everyone else, good job!
    sometimes it can be a little tricky with things like that where you have had a long relationship with someone, it is as if you are 'old friends' but in the end, you are essentially business partners and things can go bad in a second.

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