In February, Ale needed new shoes for school. I bought her a size 2 pair, which were a bit large for her at the time, and, since they were having a 2X1, I bought a size 3 pair for the new school year (starting next week)...sis said I was exagerating and that I would probably have to save the size 3 shoes for the FOLLOWING year (Aug 09)...turns out, I was right! Those size 3 shoes are the perfect size right now (which means I will probably hit the 2X1 sale in Sept/Oct for a size 4 and size 5! LOL!)...oh, yes, those size 3 shoes also fit my sis! LOL!
Ale's school shoes
August 8th, 2008 at 05:08 pm
August 8th, 2008 at 06:40 pm 1218217228
August 8th, 2008 at 07:26 pm 1218220013
August 8th, 2008 at 09:22 pm 1218226951
August 9th, 2008 at 03:31 am 1218249085