Home > $35 more for the challenge!

$35 more for the challenge!

January 16th, 2008 at 08:16 pm

Another translation arrived yesterday night...$35 worth! (which is good because work is crazy, so I'm beat at the end of the day and 4 pages is as much as I could handle anyway!)


4 Responses to “$35 more for the challenge!”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    have you moved the ticker at the side at all? I remember when you put it up but have you updated it?

    I tried using one of those things and i just can't figure it out!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Good for you!

  3. Amber Says:

    You are rockin' n rollin' with the translation, good for you SmileHope they keep coming

  4. miclason Says:

    Thanks, everyone.

    I could kick myself! I had a whole comment finished on how to updte the ticker!...
    oh, well:
    1. click on the ticker, that'll take you to the site where you created it.
    2. click on Edit/Update data
    3. input your password/PIN and click on the "+" sign next to the current amount line, that'll open a pop-up to enter the amount added/substracted (depending on whether it's a repayment or fundraising ticker), click ok
    4. click on Save info and that'll take you to a new screen showing the ticker again. close that window.
    Next time you enter the site where you put the ticker (say, Saving Advice) the ticker will be updated (I added $20 to the Disney ticker...that is the amount automaticall deducted monthly from my account)

    Hope this helps!

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