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That feels good!

December 18th, 2007 at 08:37 pm

There have been 4 cc statements delivered to our house the past 2 weeks...none of them mine!...I always pick them up and read the consignee name: they're sis'....while I cringe to think of her financial situation (I KNOW how bad it is, we are very open about it) it really feels good to know that I am in my last months (hopefully) of getting cc statements delivered...I have to wait for the $0 balance statement to come in before I can cancel them, though...I think I'll probably keep the one that has the lower interest rate (which, incidentally, has the highest limit) for MEDICAL emergencies...I'll probably give it to my sis for safekeeping (and, no, if I tell her it's for medical emergencies only, she WON'T let me have it for ANYTHING else!)...
Right now, we are still waiting for the latest toy payments to come in, so we can sit down and I can get my investment $$$ back + profit (cousin doesn't invest "real" money, but she's the one that has the 15-day credit with most of the suppliers, and she does most of the actual work - after all, she has the time and this is her main stream of income, while it is only a "side gig" for me!)

4 Responses to “That feels good!”

  1. Amber Says:

    I would send them back and not not at this address...I don't understand if she is good about not giving you the Cc unless it is for emergencies/medical then why is she so bad with hers

  2. miclason Says:

    we live together, so they do have the right address...what happened to sis is basically the same that happened to me: we used the cc's to help pay for our parents care...PLUS, she had to pay to replace a lot of things that nephew stole Frown She also had a lot more expenses because she made this stupid agreement with her ex that she was in charge 100% of my nieces expenses, while he was supposed to be 100% responsible for nephew's...that and I got my Wake Up Call when I lost my job...her debt is starting to catch up with her (she uses the cc's for groceries and pays only minimum payments...she also made a big mistake by taking the cc's extra-finance option, which means she took $5,000 from them additional to her revolving credit, which she used to pay for another cc!- I almost had a heart attack!)...Also, when the kids were going "to go live in the US with Dad", she bought them anything they want-on credit- because "she was never going to see them again"...guess what? ex-hubby didn't like the "menial" job he found(he went there legally, but, he thought that becasue of that he'd instantly be showered with offers for management jobs- his English is horrid, by the way!)...I've tried to get her to use cash, but that would mean defaulting on some cc's and she doesn't even want to hear about it!...The only reason I don't worry about her getting embargoed is that I have all my invoices for all the stuff in that house that is MINE, and they cannot take it if they cannot prove it's hers...Lately, she's at least been cutting down expenses, so at least she's putting LESS on them...oy!

  3. Amber Says:

    Sorry to hear that, but at some point she has to break that cycle

  4. miclason Says:

    Yeah, I know. I'm trying to get her to break it before it breaks her!....I'm also pushing for niece to get a job, which, to sis is absolutely horrible (because sis didn't have to work while she was studying!)...and I want niece to either get a "regular" job (she does get a lot of small modeling jobs) or, to understand that she cannot just blow the money on clothes, shoes and makeup, but needs to contribute with home expenses...even if just the water bill (which is ~$8!)...SOMETHING...or, at least, pay for her university, so that sis doesn't have's tough....

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