Home > panick mode!

panick mode!

December 7th, 2007 at 05:28 pm

I'm overcommitted for this weekend!...
these are the events:
1. Ale's church meeting (yes)
2. Embassy's Xmas festival for children (don't think we'll be able to make it!)
3. gift-wrapping/order preparation fest with cousin (definitely YES!)
4. Xmas get-together with translation agency folks (VERY difficult)
5. 20-year anniversary class reunion (also VERY difficult)
6. 35 pages of translation....

HELP!!!....oh, and here I am, instead of trying to reduce those 35 pages..I'm blogging!

1 Responses to “panick mode!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    For some reason, I found the last statement amusing. Didn't mean to er chuckle at your expense though. Good luck!

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