Home > NEW $0.10 tax on gasoline

NEW $0.10 tax on gasoline

November 25th, 2007 at 04:08 pm

well, since the bus owners threatened to go on strike if the goverment didnīt give them a subsidy on diesel, now the Legislative Assembly has voted to have a new tax on gasoline: $0.10 per gallon....This will serve to give the bus owners $400/month per each bus...never mind that some of those buses are JUNK, over 25 years old and poorly (if ever!) maintained!....the only reason those buses are still on the road is that some assembly members ARE bus owners (talk about conflict of interests!...those people should be excluded from voting on those matters, imo), the bus owners get their subsidy supposedly so as to favor the poorer segments of the population, who have to travel by bus....hmmmm...what is the Legislative Assembly going to do to protect them from rising prices due to this new increase in gasoline prices...because I doubt the guy driving his truck to haul fruits and vegetables is going to "eat" that...he`ll transfer it to the next person in the supply chaing, whoīll transfer it to the next one and so on, until it ends up GUESS WHERE??? ...thatīs it, not only with ME, but also with the pooor segments of the population who cannot afford a car and have to travel by bus!

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