Home > $105 for car repairs!

$105 for car repairs!

November 23rd, 2007 at 08:29 pm

well, they will ch ange the oil, change the thermostat and the radiator cap, clean and adjust the brakes (they said that's all that's needed)...and they will charge me $105...

of course, they came up with a list of other gazillion things to fix, for a total of $532....I asked them if any of it was really URGENT and they said no, so I'll take the car out today and set aside ~$430 to fix the rest later...even if it means reducing the amount going towards debt!...

1 Responses to “$105 for car repairs!”

  1. Amber Says:

    It's funny how there is always something else added other than what you need fix. Glad your repairs are not urgent

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