Home > a bolero for niece?

a bolero for niece?

November 13th, 2007 at 10:42 pm

she's been begging for me to knit her something...I found this nice pattern on the web today...looks great, and the instructions are fairly easy....I think I might give this a try! (I can knit it in my lunch time here at work - if there are no translations! LOL!- and she'll never know about it!)

I was actually looking for instructions to knit one for Ale, as she has said she wants one and, we saw one at the store the other day....$20....NO WAY!.... the pattern I found also gives instructions on how to adapt it!...hmmmm, might even do a third one for is...wouldn't THAT be neat??....I could probably do all 3 for $20 (or less!)'s an idea...

1 Responses to “a bolero for niece?”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    When I was a girl, some of my friends went to a school where a uniform with a bolero was worn. They claimed to hate their uniforms, but I always thought their boleros were cute!

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