not just bad...ugly!...
sis works for a multinational which offers very good working conditions in North America and conditions in South America and has a total leadership vacuum in Central America...
The latest? Due to the performance of sales in the area, they decided to cancel incentives (a.k.a. commissions) for this, the policy that stated that salesreps get sales commissions would be eliminated (the original policy was drawn up in such a way that no-one, at any one time, could get a commission higher than 7% of their monthly salary, and that provided that the whole region achieved the sales goals, which in reality meant that the commissions were closer to 5%).
Now, you'd think this is the type of change in policy that would be communicated to the employees, wouldn't you?....welll, NO. They didn't tell them beforehand. They just added a two-line note about it in this payperiod's deposit notification. ....not only that, but the regional manager actually dodged sis and co-worker's calls all day yesterday...THAT is lack of leadership!...
Now, I'm not saying they don't have a right to say: "sorry, folks, we are not making enough money so we cannot give you your comissions"...but, they should have said it back when they realized this was even a possibility!...
Oh, as an interesting piece of info: ES is the only country in the region that CONSISTENTLY achieves/surpasses the sales goals!-- so sis and co-workers feel insulted and aggravated, because it's not THEIR results that are affecting the overall sales in the region!
In any case, sis was counting on that money to go to the eye doctor and have a new CAT scan, as she's having strange migraines she doesn't have the $$$ (and, no, they don't provide medical insurance!)
When good companies go ugly!
October 26th, 2007 at 03:52 pm
October 26th, 2007 at 04:19 pm 1193411955