Home > Laugh with me!

Laugh with me!

October 24th, 2007 at 03:34 pm

I received a letter from the bank along with my cc are some parts of it:

we've noticed it's been some months since you last used your cc, so we want to invite you to use your card and, as an incentive, we will give you 2 free tickets to the movie of your choice.((movies cost $3.80/person-normal price...matinee is $2.50 and Wednesdays is $2... ok, keep those figures in your head and be ready to laugh, ok?))...All you have to do i come to our Service Centers and show us vouchers for purchases with your cc totalling $15!

(oh, and the lowest yearly interest rate for cc's in ES is 20%!)

10 Responses to “Laugh with me!”

  1. db1974 Says:

    the sad thing is some people might fall for it. so sad, so sad! credit card companies have no lows to which they won't stoop.

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    congrats on being smarter than the 'average' person!!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    I actually laughed in real life.

    I didn't realize credit card companies have a sense of humor. Big Grin

  4. mbkonef Says:

    I think they must miss you -- keep being smart and let them go on missing you!

  5. Kikee Says:

    Why is it funny/sad? You ONLY have to charge $15 (say it is for gasoline) and that should/would be very, very easy to pay off when the bill came and you would earn 2 free movie tix as a reward. So if you ONLY charge something(s) you were going to buy anyway . . . . . @@ Obviously if you DON'T pay your bill off every month than it's no deal at all.

  6. miclason Says:

    it's sad/funny because it's not worth it!...if they really want to woo back customers, they should at leat be offering something better...

  7. Amber Says:

    Yepi have to agree that is funny

  8. moi aussi Says:

    yes if they really wanted to offer you something, why not a lower APR?

  9. terri77 Says:

    I'd do it for the free movie passes. What's funny is them losing money on their promotion.

  10. reflectionite Says:

    i'd do it too. that's two free movie passes for money that you can just transfer straight away back onto your card. why wouldn't you? everyone here always talks about using vouchers and getting discounts etc etc, but when its a credit card company you laugh at it. why not take advantage? they're losing after all, why wouldnt you want to take something from a company that takes from everyone else all the time?

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