Home > snake in the grass?

snake in the grass?

October 16th, 2007 at 03:45 pm

cousin is very happy because her son has decided he wants to help her with the toy business and went with her downtown yesterday....I don't know...knowing him, it's probably just a trick to:
1. get her to buy him something (which would be the least serious situation); or
2. get her to lower her guard to steal some money from her (after all, this would allow him to know WHEN she will be picking up the toys, which is to say he'd know when she has cash!)
Isn't it sad that I have these thoughts??

Better safe than sorry, though!

2 Responses to “snake in the grass?”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Yes, sad, but I know what it is like. I was in that situation with a brother. There are some people against whom we just have to be constantly on guard. They can do even more damage when they are related and know all the details of our lives.

  2. miclason Says:

    well, he got a t-shirt and a pair of tennis "damage" is about $20...hope that's all there was to it!

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