Home > Had to buy new school sweat pants for Ale...

Had to buy new school sweat pants for Ale...

October 12th, 2007 at 05:07 pm

I thought since she has PE on Tuesdays and Fridays, we could do with just one pair...but, it's raining too much and the weather is so humid all the time, they're not drying! (clothes dryers really ARE luxury items here in ES!- Plus, most of the time you don't NEED them! Even during rainy season we get ~4 hours of fierce sun per day)...but,this rainy season has been so...well, RAINY! and the sky has been, the pants were still wet today!...I had her wear some other non-uniform sweatpants and gave her money to buy a new pair ($7)...her t-shirt was even wetter than the pants, but, she still has 1 from last year that still fits!

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