Home > Guess WHAT??

Guess WHAT??

October 11th, 2007 at 03:37 am

If you said MORE're absolutely right!...3 PowerPoint presentations for the training tomorrow!...woo-hoo!...and it's only 9:30pm and I already sent them!!!...that levaes me 1 and a half hours to work on the 4th presentation (due on Friday)...the comments from today's training sessions will have to wait, but, of course, those are lower priority... I still haven't done my wordcount on those presentations, so I still don't know how much $$$ I'm getting for them! LOL!...

3 Responses to “Guess WHAT??”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Wow, those are working out great for you! I need to find something like that to do.Wink You go!

  2. miclason Says:

    Well, those 3 ones will yield ~$63....the fourth one is much bigger, so I KNOW I'll get at least $100 out of the lot! Smile

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Hey Missy! How is your girl doing?? I bet she is getting big! I am happy to read about your success with those translations...sounds like it is very lucrative for you!! Hugs to my buddy ElSal!

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