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You know you're in financial trouble...

September 26th, 2007 at 04:37 pm

(or, at least, you SHOULD know) if, when speaking about replacing a phone burnt by a power surge, you say: I know I could get a cheap phone, but, I NEED one with caller ID because of my creditors...

We were having this conversation about a terrible thunderstorm we had a few days ago and,cousin mentions she needs a new phone because hers got "fried" during the storm... sis and I said we NEED a wireless phone (in addition to our "normal" phone downstairs) so that we do not have to rush downstairs whenever there's a call (one of this days, someone's going to fall down the stairs trying to get to the phone!...that'd definetely be more costly than the $20-$22 wireless phone!)...still, we have that as "a plan" at the moment....

then cousin says: Oh, I know I could buy a regular phone for $5-$7, but, I NEED one with caller ID, so I know not to pick up when it's creditors calling...

sis and I just looked at each other...

3 Responses to “You know you're in financial trouble...”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Uhhh yeah, that's a tip off! LOL

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    On a related note, I've learned the hard way to always disconnect your phone line as well as your power during a thunderstorm.

  3. denisentexas Says:

    Yep, when we get a good storm, I turn off the computer, TV, etc. I'd rather do without for awhile than have to replace everything!

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