Home > I need to spend $18,000!!!

I need to spend $18,000!!!

September 18th, 2007 at 10:49 pm

well, our office does...and guess who's been charged with the shopping!! Smile

...they already gave me a list!
2 printers
1 "office set" (desk, return, chair + filing cabinet)
1 conference room
4-6 chairs....

think that's going to do it??...we'll see!..
problem is,I'm used to getting top value for my $$$$, so I may end up spending a lot less!!
(I'd love to have this be a problem in my personal finances...having surplus $$$, that is!)

4 Responses to “I need to spend $18,000!!!”

  1. wyozozo Says:

    But isn't it FUN spending someone else's money!!! Smile

  2. T_I_N_A20 Says:

    I hope you don't mind me taking your icons for my blog. I mean the website =P. It looks cool. =)

  3. fern Says:

    Do you have Staples in your country? If you did, i would recommend signing up for their rewards program, where every quarter, based on how much you spent in purchases at their store, they would issue you a check representing 10% of your total quarterly purchases. The check must be spent in their store.

    So if you spent $18,000 on furniture there, you'd get a check made out to you (once you sign up for their program online) for $1800!

  4. miclason Says:

    LOL!...well, I've failed miserably!...I've only managed to spend abut $5-$6K so far!...LOL! who'd have thought!...
    Tina: steal away!
    Fern: we don't have staples, but, this being an Embassy, signing up for that might be prohibited anyway! (some might view it as making "personal profit", plus, all purchasing has to be done through the Procurement Dept anyway!...In theory, I shouldn't even be quoting the stff, just asking them to get it, but, since we want to know how much we're spending....)

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