Home > ~$1K??


September 12th, 2007 at 04:14 pm

I've just landed this translation job that could bring around $1,000....I haven't been given a deadline, but they said preferably this week...I may not be ablo to do it alone, mind you, so that $1,000 might be split, but, still....
ok, back to my dictionaries and glossaries! (I want to make sure I have all I need!)...I'll be using my lunch hour and, also, will leave at 5:00:00pm!...oh, and since Independence Day is Saturday 15, we will get the afternoon off on Friday (guess who'll be working like crazy?!)...
I have a high-interest cc with $2,600 on it...
wish me luck!

7 Responses to “~$1K??”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck!!

  2. moi aussi Says:

    Good luck!! I hope you get it.

  3. miclason Says:

    woo-hoo! I got until Saturday noon! Definetely doable!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Hurray, what a huge dent in your credit card bill this will make!

  5. sipote Says:

    what do you do in El Salvador? how did you end up there? Do you have an "About Me" section? Do you have debt from when you were in the US or in ES?

  6. Miclason Says:

    I'm an admin assist. I'm Salvadoran, so I ended up here through birth, LOL!...and my debt is all ES-acquired!

  7. sipote Says:

    cool! For some reason I thought you were an American living in ES. I was born there and live here in the US...I like your blog...keep up the good job!

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