Of course, Ale is all for saving right now (with the Disney trip on her sights!), but I explained to her paying down debt comes first...
so, here's our conversation:
A: so, first we pay debts.
MI: yes.
A: then we travel, no, then we make sure you don't go into debt again...Mom, we should just shred the credit card, that way you can't use it!
(LOL! I wish, but, local norm dictates you HAVE to bring an intact cc to be able to close a cc account. Otherwise, they make you wait for new plastic --AND CHARGE YOU FOR IT, so I'm taking good care of my cc, but it's "grounded" and cannot leave the house!)
Ale on debt and cc's
September 11th, 2007 at 03:54 pm
September 11th, 2007 at 04:37 pm 1189525074