Home > Total for the weekend:

Total for the weekend:

September 10th, 2007 at 05:12 am

of course, it'll be at least 30-45 days before I actually GET the money, but...

They were very happy with the job (the end customer), and said they'd probably have some more next week...(this was a new customer for the people that sub-contracted me, so that means THEY're happy, too!--of course, if they hadn't been impressed by the first translation I did for them, they would never have trusted me with a new customer!)

YAWN...I'm going to bed!

3 Responses to “Total for the weekend:”

  1. fern Says:

    That's great! I would think translation services would really lend themselves well to a freelance set-up.

    Ever think about doing this full-time? Does the potential exist?

  2. miclason Says:

    I have and it does. Unfortunately, right now I cannot afford it (too many "fixed" expenses due debt!) That is another reson I want to be debt-free by 2010 (or before!). I could probably live on half of what I make if it weren't for debt payments...AND...seeing that my job here will only exist until 2012 anyway...I might take the plunge!...My dreamjob at age 17 was: "freelance translator with the UN"...I saw myself travelling the world with my laptop computer...(and, think about how exotic that thought was back in 1986!)...who knows, maybe it'll come to pass!
    In the meantime, if things continue as they are, it will be like having an additional payperiod in October!...AND, if this goes on for 3-4 months....well...just the thought brings a huge smile to my face!

  3. fern Says:

    Well, think big about that translation business. Maybe it'll last indefinitely.

    I really hope that my freelance business will last through my early 60s (!) cus it's so easy to do.

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