of course, it'll be at least 30-45 days before I actually GET the money, but...
They were very happy with the job (the end customer), and said they'd probably have some more next week...(this was a new customer for the people that sub-contracted me, so that means THEY're happy, too!--of course, if they hadn't been impressed by the first translation I did for them, they would never have trusted me with a new customer!)
YAWN...I'm going to bed!
Total for the weekend:
September 10th, 2007 at 05:12 am
September 10th, 2007 at 07:55 pm 1189450554
Ever think about doing this full-time? Does the potential exist?
September 10th, 2007 at 08:54 pm 1189454077
In the meantime, if things continue as they are, it will be like having an additional payperiod in October!...AND, if this goes on for 3-4 months....well...just the thought brings a huge smile to my face!
September 11th, 2007 at 03:43 pm 1189521828
I really hope that my freelance business will last through my early 60s (!) cus it's so easy to do.