Home > Happy Numbers

Happy Numbers

September 10th, 2007 at 10:00 pm

I've been doing "happy numbers" - which is what cousin and I call it when we make numbers based on the best-possible scenario (which is, of course, the worst way to prepare for anything!)...and, if I managed to make an average of $400/month with translations, I might actually be able to be debt-free by mid-2009
.... oooooohhhhhh!!!

Dreaming is free!

3 Responses to “Happy Numbers”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    reading about the stuff that has come your way has focused me to looking for a another part time job again. i think i found one and even though it would not be much every little bit helps! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. debtfreeme Says:

    do you know the best way to send money to someone in central america? what is the safest way to ensure that they get it with out it going astray and that they can use it? any ideas or experience?

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Thank goodness there is still SOMETHING we can afford!! Free dreamin'! Smile

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