Home > New monitor!

New monitor!

September 7th, 2007 at 05:49 pm

(at work, don't worry!)...I can actually see what I'm writing without squinting and/or slouching now!!...they sure took a long time, but they are finally here!-- I've already updated our asset inventory!!...we are all Smile

LOL! Funny story: I plugged my monitor, but could not get it to work...I had to call my boss to help...he asked if it was on...(I gave him the evil eye)...and then...he chuckled and just closed the laptop and...voila! the image came on!...duh! ...I'm technologycally-challenged!

2 Responses to “New monitor!”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Oh, it's plugged into a laptop?

    Usually, just plugging it into a laptop won't get its image to show up to an external monitor. To tell it to do so (on Windows) you just hit Function-F4 or something like that (it's different on some laptops).

    I'm glad that closing the laptop will also work, although on some laptops, doing so will cause it to go into sleep/standby mode instead. So, hitting Fn-F4 is generally recommended... that is, if you ever need that to do that beyond your own laptop. Big Grin

  2. miclason Says:

    plugged into a docking station (shhhh, my laptop doesn't know it's a portable!...the only time she ever travelled was when it was brought here from the US)...
    Funny thing is, I have a laptop (issued by the org that I work for), and a desktop (issued by the embassy)...LOL!...they are not supposed to "speak" to one another!

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