Home > cellphone for a 7 year old (not mine!)

cellphone for a 7 year old (not mine!)

August 20th, 2007 at 08:00 pm

Ale was invited to a b-day party this weekend...she told me her little friend had gotten a cellphone ....I know that's her way of applying psychological, I said: well, good for her, but you know my position regarding children and cellphones...(she may-or may not! get one once she's 12!)

5 Responses to “cellphone for a 7 year old (not mine!)”

  1. LdyFaile Says:

    I am not a parent so perhaps I'm not in tune with the whole 'kids and cell phone' craze but my feelings on the subject are...they shouldn't have one until they have the means to pay for one. But what do I know. Smile I'm glad to hear that your 7 yo isn't getting one!

  2. disneysteve Says:

    I am a parent of an 11-year-old who got her cell phone a few months ago. DW and I decided it was time when DD started going places without us where she could be away from immediate adult supervision. She was going to Wildwood, NJ for a 3-day Girl Scout camping trip and we wanted her to have some way to call her leader or us if she got separated from the group.

    She had asked for a phone for 2 years before that, but there was never a time when she was in a situation where we felt a phone was needed.

  3. madhaus90 Says:

    I agree with you, disneysteve that at some point there is a logical time when a DK could get a phone. as for us, we have a DD8 who carries an epipen and inhaler with her for allergies/asthma. It is a piece of mind for her to have a cell phone there too to so that I can be reached (or 911 in case of epipen use). I also have a divorced friend who has a DD9 who carries a cell phone with global tracking device so she can plug co-ordinates in and know where the cell phone is (her ex is irresponsible). So in these cases, I'm for a cell phone, but to have just to use, I don't think so ...

  4. monkeymama Says:

    Eh, having kids I don't see what the biggie is. I guess since cells are used for emergency in our household I would not mind my sons having cells when they go off to school (for emergency). I can't see making it birthday presents and making a big deal as it wouldn't be a "toy." & I really could care less what everyone else is doing, for sure...

  5. miclason Says:

    well, the NEED depends on your family's lifestile, that's for sure...but, what I see here is kids who get delivered/dropped off by their parents (or by a privately hired transport) at a small private school (200 or so students) I don't see the need for these kids to have cellphones and, introducing something like that just as a means of "competing" to see who has the best cellphone at 7 seems wrong to me...sorry for my daughter, but, she'll get a phone once she is in a situation where she's alone with friends without a supervising adult with a cellphone...and, she'll get a BASIC phone, not one of those really fancy, sadly, with crime levels in my country, the last thing I want is a kid with fancy gadgets (a guy got killed -literally- for his cellphone last year!...we haven't heard of any new cases lately, but....)

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