well, looking at my numbers, 57% of what I earn goes towards debt right now!!...OUCH!...
trying to look on the bright side...the impact of this has been a reduction of $4,286 in debt this year!-yay, me!...the $5K in debt reduction I set as a goal at the beginning of the year definetely looks attainable!
57%? OUCH!
August 20th, 2007 at 10:50 pm
August 21st, 2007 at 12:41 am 1187653302
Congratulations on your debt reduction! 57% will ultimately dwindle down and at least you're not adding to it! I have a best friend who can't break the spending and is sadly in a sinkin boat and she has plugged the litle leaks with a 17.9% loan from Prosper.com, a re-fi on a second mortgage, borrowing cash from other friends to make her non-escrow real estate tax payments, etc. etc. At least your boat will still be floating!
August 21st, 2007 at 01:22 am 1187655772
August 21st, 2007 at 03:16 am 1187662570